
  • That 4 (!) page spread...Arthur/Mera and the Hawks reunited and it feels so good scenes...Firestorm and J'onn back from the dead...excuse me, I have some sentiment in my eye...
  • For me, the biggest surprises were: The return of Shiera instead of Kendra (or rather, that she remembers all her lives again); The return of Max Lord and Captain Boomerang; and -- in what I hope launches an excellent story -- the resurrection of Boston Brand. (Strangely enough, this has the effect of a "death" for most characters, which I think will be fun for writers to play with.)

    Resurrections I'm not sold on: Ronnie Raymond -- though if he and Jason are teamed for the new Firestorm, that has potential -- Professor Zoom (I don't see the point; we've got Zoom already) and Jade, who really seems to exist solely because Green Girls Are Awesome. (I guess she'll offer some love-triangle drama for GLC).

    I do wish they'd have resurrected Ralph and Sue, or at least *do something* with them as ghosts. Maybe that'll be addressed in Generation Lost. I also hate that they threw the new Captain Boomerang on the scrap-heap. (By the way, what's the status on the original Trickster and Pied Piper? Still dead? I dropped Countdown way too early to know, but I do love the Rogues.)
  • Doc Beechler said:
    That 4 (!) page spread...Arthur/Mera and the Hawks reunited and it feels so good scenes...Firestorm and J'onn back from the dead...excuse me, I have some sentiment in my eye...

    I really liked J'onn's understatement about the whole thing. The man has style.
  • IIIIIII waaazzzzz nnevverrr tttthhhhaaaattttt ffffondddd offfff theeeeee nnnnneeeewwww ZZZZZZZZZoooooommmmm.

    Rob Staeger said:
    For me, the biggest surprises were: The return of Shiera instead of Kendra (or rather, that she remembers all her lives again); The return of Max Lord and Captain Boomerang; and -- in what I hope launches an excellent story -- the resurrection of Boston Brand. (Strangely enough, this has the effect of a "death" for most characters, which I think will be fun for writers to play with.)

    Resurrections I'm not sold on: Ronnie Raymond -- though if he and Jason are teamed for the new Firestorm, that has potential -- Professor Zoom (I don't see the point; we've got Zoom already) and Jade, who really seems to exist solely because Green Girls Are Awesome. (I guess she'll offer some love-triangle drama for GLC).

    I do wish they'd have resurrected Ralph and Sue, or at least *do something* with them as ghosts. Maybe that'll be addressed in Generation Lost. I also hate that they threw the new Captain Boomerang on the scrap-heap. (By the way, what's the status on the original Trickster and Pied Piper? Still dead? I dropped Countdown way too early to know, but I do love the Rogues.)
  • Ha! Point taken, Rich. And yeah, his speech impediment was one of the most annoying aspects of the character.

    What interests me about him is that, in a way, he's the anti-Superboy Prime. Where Superboy Prime is Johns's way of channeling Fanboy Rage, Zoom is Johns's way of externalizing the motivations of a comic-book writer. His whole motivation -- test the heroes through adversity and loss, so that they can overcome it, and in doing so, become better heroes -- is essentially the job description of a superhero writer.
  • I loved that they combined J'onn's old classic and ugly new costumes into something workable.

    Ralph and Sue not coming back made me cry. I sure hope Geoff has plans for the Dead Detectives. Perhaps working with a live Boston Brand...

    Zoom is no more as of Flash: Rebirth.

    Someday, Baby Bean is going to be pissed at Johns for getting rid of Kendra. After Flash, she is her favorite JLU'er.

    "Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read." -Groucho Marx

    Check out the Secret Headquarters (my store) website! It's a pretty lame website, but I did it myself, so tough noogies

    Listen to, it's the future of rock-n-roll!

  • Dagwan said:

    Ralph and Sue not coming back made me cry. I sure hope Geoff has plans for the Dead Detectives. Perhaps working with a live Boston Brand...

    That's an interesting possibility. I'd like to see those stories mix up a bit!

    Zoom is no more as of Flash: Rebirth.


    Y'know, that series took so long to come out, I completely forgot what happened from issue to issue. I really need to reread it.

    Someday, Baby Bean is going to be pissed at Johns for getting rid of Kendra. After Flash, she is her favorite JLU'er.

    Was Kendra in the JLU? I thought that was Shayera.

  • Something that's being pointed out as significant in the #DCReader twitter thing: Deadman is wearing a White Lantern ring.
  • Pat pointed that out to me too. I wonder if Deadman is now going to be "Lifeman."

    Or the Lifeguard?

    Rob Staeger said:
    Something that's being pointed out as significant in the #DCReader twitter thing: Deadman is wearing a White Lantern ring.
  • Rich Lane said:
    Pat pointed that out to me too. I wonder if Deadman is now going to be "Lifeman."

    Or the Lifeguard?

    There already is a Lifeguard. Oh, Chris Claremont...what're we going to do with you?
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