
  • I bet you can all guess what my review of #0 would say.

    Of course, possibly you may not want to. :)
  • So -- we've got 12 resurrections: Deadman, the Hawks, Firestorm, Jade, Osiris, Boomerbutt, Zoom, Martian Manhunter, Aquaman, Hawk, and Max Lord. The Zero issue, to my mind, actually steals a little momentum the series had in my mind, but necessarily so, I suppose. It moves from person to person, showing their status quo and setting up the stories to come.

    In most cases, where the stories are starting out seem kind of obvious, but it's important to get everyone on the same page at the beginning of the series. Among some surprises: I was glad to see Jade recognize and accept that Kyle had moved on romantically (hope that sticks), and Deadman's resurrection power could take the character interesting places -- if he's ever able to move of his own volition, rather than being pulled from place to place like the roaming DCU pity-party, Pariah. J'onn's plas to repopulate Mars are interesting, too -- and I find myself surprisingly invested in the Max Lord plot, when I'd initially been planning on skipping Generation Lost. (I'll probably set up a separate spoiler space for that book when it comes out.)

    On the other hand -- a worried Aquaman not wanting to get in the water doesn't thrill me. And Hawk & Dove have never really interested me -- though I expect to like them more once they're written by Gail Simone. And the Firestorm situation is set up pretty much like I'd expected, though they seem to have forgotten/retconned out Ronnie's earlier substance-abuse problems. (Don't know much about them, myself, actually -- I wasn't following the character at the time.)

    I *do* like Digger finding some inspiration in The Shawshank Redemption, though.
  • I'd like to hear everything, Baron -- pro and con. I'm of mixed feelings about it, myself.
  • Short answer: "Meh."

    Longer answer will have to wait, bosses are making me work, today, for some reason.

    I will say that the art was real nice, but that the cover confused me by making Max Lord blond. I kept wondering, "Who the **** is that? Is that Nemesis?"
  • I liked Aliveman's resurrection of an entire city, Star City, with a huge star-shaped central park for Green Arrow to run around in.
  • Doc Beechler said:
    I liked Aliveman's resurrection of an entire city, Star City, with a huge star-shaped central park for Green Arrow to run around in.

    Holy. Cow.

    I am so dense, I didn't even get that. I flipped through Green Arrow when I was at the shop, and saw the burnt-out star in the city -- but didn't realize it was Deadman's powers that made it grow.

    Whoa. So something DID happen! Awesome.

    (Of course, if I hadn't flipped though Green Arrow, I'd have no idea why -- or even if -- there was a giant star of dead space in Star City. For all the time they spent setting up status quo, they could have mentioned that. But anyway, Wow. A nice development for GA.)
  • As for Max's hair, the front is brunette -- the back "blond-ness" is likely backlighting. Osiris has the same effect on his hair.

    With the gun, he *does* look a bit like Nemesis, though. It's not your standard Max pose -- it suits Nemesis or Rick Flag.
  • On the cover we've got the Green Lantern and the Flash, accompanied by the Characters-I've-Never-Cared-About of America.

    Inside front cover is an ad for WarioWare DIY - I've enjoyed the WarioWare games, but I'm not too wild about the idea of having to design my own games - that's what I pay the game-makers for.

    We open with a baby chick breaking its neck - damn Johns is at it with the ultra-violence right from the start. No-Longer-Deadman smashes his gravestone and then resurrects the chick. (Unfortunately, it's now the avian version of Captain Jack Harkness, and is well on its way to becoming the Beak of Boe.) No-Longer-Deadman then gets drawn to various places. (Great, he's the new Pariah!)

    Aquaman is afraid to go into the water with his naked, frisky, hot, red-headed wife.

    The Reverse-Flash is just hanging around.

    The Flash (Who is the Flash these days? Barry? Wally? Bart?) gives Captain Boomerang a wake-up call, and Boomerang quotes some movie I haven't seen.

    Hawkman is afraid to mess around with his frisky, hot, red-headed wfie. (Hmm. I'm sensing a pattern here.)

    Apparently the Hawks used to be Nighthawk and Cinnamon, and the Silent Knight and whoever his love interest was.

    Hawkman has the Infinity Gauntlet for some reason, and it gives them the finger.

    Elsewhere, a bunch of guys dressed as the Heat Wave find the bones of Ckaarttaerr and Sheaiyera's first incarnations.

    Max Lord is up to something.

    Hal Jordan and Guy Gardner visit Mars to bring milk and cookies to J'Onn, who has inadvertently discovered the Flood from Doctor Who, fifty years early.

    Jade quickly makes use of her opportunity to wish Kyle off on someone else nobly decides not to come between Kyle and a somewhat butch-looking Korugarianite woman.

    Firestorm, blah-blah-blah, I don't care.

    Osiris, blah-blah-blah, I think it says something about this character that the only appearance of his that I enjoyed was the one where he was eaten by a crocodile.

    Hank Hall, blah-blah-blah, I liked the army brat/guitarist version of Hawk and Dove better.

    No-Longer-Deadman creates a star-shaped forest, which talks to him. (Interesting - it never would've occurred to me to have a star-shaped forest as an imaginary friend. There's one for Madame Foster.)

    Epilogue: Sinestro, blah-blah-blah, at least they've given him a better costume.

    Seven pages of promos for books I'm probably not going to buy.

    DC Nation: Checklist - good, this nonsense doesn't seem to be dragging in the JSA - at least not yet.

    Inside Back Cover: Taunts me with the Eleventh Doctor and that hot Scottish chick he's running with these days, knowing it'll be awhile before I get to see them.

    Back Cover: A promo for something called "Dead to Rights- Retribution". I've never been into the shooty games, plus I don't have an XBOX or a PS3.
  • The Baron said:
    The Flash (Who is the Flash these days? Barry? Wally? Bart?) gives Captain Boomerang a wake-up call, and Boomerang quotes some movie I haven't seen.

    Both Wally and Barry (and Jay!) are calling themselves the Flash these days. Barry wears his traditional costume (and it's him in BD #0), while Wally is wearing a modified costume.

    You haven't seen Shawshank Redemption? Don't you have basic cable? I believe TBS broadcasts it every other movie.

    (It's really, really , excellent. Nuke the baseball player and the President of the USA when an asteroid hits are both in prison, and then get out.)

    "Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read." -Groucho Marx

    Check out the Secret Headquarters (my store) website! It's a pretty lame website, but I did it myself, so tough noogies

    Listen to, it's the future of rock-n-roll!

  • I don't have any cable. Story sounds familiar, though. Was it a book?
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