From Cartoon Network:
The Looney Tunes Show - A new half-hour animated comedy series starring Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck. No longer confined to 7-minute shorts, Bugs and Daffy are out of the woods and living in the suburbs among such colorful neighbors as Yosemite Sam, Granny, Tweety and Sylvester. In addition to each episode’s main story, The Looney Tunes Show also features “cartoons within a cartoon.” The Tasmanian Devil, Speedy Gonzales, Marvin the Martian and other classic characters sing original songs in two-minute music videos called Merrie Melodies and the Road Runner and Coyote are featured in 2-1/2 minute CG shorts. This all new series is produced by Warner Bros. Animation. Sam Register (Teen Titans, Ben 10, Batman: The Brave and the Bold) is the executive producer. Spike Brandt and Tony Cervone (both Duck Dodgers, Back at the Barnyard, Space Jam) are the supervising producers.
Ugh. I hate those new character designs.
It could be worse, Baron...
What worked best with the originals was that they had no real context: sometimes Bugs was living in the city, sometimes in the forest; sometimes Wile E. Coyote could talk, sometimes he couldn't; sometimes it was present day, sometimes it was medieval times.
(I also think there's an issue with Warner Bros. being too concerned with protecting the brand rather than taking chances and actually creating funny shorts, but that's a whole other issue.)
You know, I actually watched an episode of that show, and did not want to smack myself on the head with a hammer, afterwards.
I enjoyed Animaniacs, and Tiny Toons, largely because the use of the "old" characters was kept to a minimum.
I usually can't remember where I left them, but they have to be around here somewhere...