Can anyone here , please , point me to confirmation that the " Casper And The Spectrals " TPB , collected the first trhree issues of the magizine format miniseries plus some extra material , is actually coming out ?

  A few weeks back , at a comics store , the proprietor found it listed a scheduled on Diamond's list , however , just now , Amazon did not list the TPB at all , just two different ways to buy the mini's first isse , and onmly that issue (the only one I saw) .

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  • Hmmm, Comixology shows the release to be Feb. 23rd. It has an ISBN number so I figure that is the actual paper copy and not just a digital copy.
  • The book is definitely coming out!  And it's looking great.  Thanks for your patience!!



    Brendan Deneen


    Ardden Entertainment

  • Thanks for the answer, Brendan.
  • ...A belated thank you to all !

      At Another Board , I had reasonably raved about the first issue , was told later on that Ardden had switched plans from the original six-issue miniseries to a " fast TPB " of the first three issues .

      Those 2nd and 3d magazine issues apparently came out , but I have never seen them .

      There also was , apparently , some change in the artistic plan , with the artist on #s 1 & 2 not being the one on #3 , which I heard after I had heard of the plan to do a 1-3 TPB .

      Now , the 1-3 TPB apparently reaches some at least semi-conclusion , with the material planned for #4-6 apparently hoped for for later publication , after a hioped-for good result for the 1-3 TPB's release ?

  • ...Bluntly , that , I'm afraid , suggests that #1's sales , and 2-3's orders , were not as robust as expected:-(...

      So Brendan Googles for mentions of his releases , then ?

      I suppose most/many people do likewise..." Egotism " or good business practice , " supersering yr. potential customer " ? 

  • The mini was NEVER planned for 6 issues; it was always planned for three.  Our original artist was unable to turn pages in at a fast enough rate, unfortunately, resulting in a huge delay for issue #2.  By the time we replaced him with another fantastic artist, there was another large, unfortunate delay before #3 hit stores.


    Sales were solid but all-ages books can sometimes struggle to find an audience in this current economy. 

  • ...Well , thank you , hope to see it listed on Amazon soon...........
  • Yep, it'll be there soon, too.

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