Archie #609 - Wow, the for-now ending to Archie and Val's romance was very well done and implies that she, not Betty or Veronica, could be Archie's true love. Nice.
Secret Avengers - Gave it chance because of Brubaker and Hank McCoy and really, really liked it. It's echoing back to 80's Marvel Two-In-One storylines...very cool.
War of the Supermen #4 - All of the toys are shoved back into the box...ugh, glad that whole thing is over. Bring on JMS and Paul Cornell!
Super-Friends - Rose was very pleased to have found Marlin and Dorrie in one of the Aquaman panels. :)
I love the tautology of that post's title.... It's kind of a truism, isn't it?
I generally dislike "worst comic ever" rants, but I have to say, I may have read worse comics than this one in my life, but at the moment, I can't think of any.
Well...maybe the "JUSTICE!" miniseries that spawned this dreck itself might qualify.
That was hilarious! Anyone who looked the way Arsenal did in the 90s obviously has a very tenuous grip on sanity anyway...
What's he doing for an arm these days?
I thought Cheshire's child was currently being used as fodder in the current highly entertaining Secret Six slaughterfest? Did she have one by Red Arrow and one by Catman? Maybe a whole litter by a passel of befuddled heroes and anti-heroes? Having all her children kidnapped and murdered may expalin why she applied the wrong nail polish by mistake.
Figserello said:
Did he have anything to do with Cry for Justice? Because they need to come up with some new synonyms for "awful" for that whole mini.