Marvel Confirms Conan the Barbarian is Leaving the Publisher
It looks like Marvel is putting the best face on it, but the license owners -- Heroic Signatures -- is going to launch its own publishing arm in cooperation with an as-yet-unnamed publisher. That seems kind of churlish, since Conan would probably still be a forgotten property if it wasn't for Marvel and Roy Thomas.
Well, Dark Horse's books were pretty good, and Ablaze's "The Cimmerian" takes are weird but interesting. Maybe a little fresh blood will give us a different approach. (That's me putting the best face on it.)
Didn't they just put Conan on an Avengers team? Bet they feel like suckers now.
Yep, Marvel just revived Savage Avengers, with Conan in the lead. Whoops!
I suppose that's a hazard of bringing a licensed property into your "universe".
I my opinion, I actually liked Dark Horse's Conan comics more than Marvel's.
I haven’t read many Trav, but what I read I liked. I recently bought the omnibus, which is in my to-read pile(s).
It looks like the lucky winner of the Conan franchise is the UK's Titan Comics. Here's the story.