
  • -- he waves a green flag from the window of the tower at Collinwood...

    That the instructions refer to Collinwood specifically is an incredible leap in story logic, as well as the fact that thje flag would still be there after 130 years. But what I remember most from 1089 is David's fashion choice: a hideous sleeveless, belted, blue knit sweater.


    As you will see in episodes to come (spoiler), he has them in a variety of colors.


    Orbach's must have been having a sale.

    • I meant to mention that sweater! That's a CHOICE.

    • "Do you think his wife knows about her?"

      "He probably hasn't got a wife. Look at that sweater."

      "She probably knitted it."

      "She probably knitted him."

  • Rob, I remember you telling me you wanted one of these...


    Now's your chance (solicited for May 27 release).

  • Last night I saw my last episodes for a while; I'll be off to Scotland for a little more than a week. But I've seen through episode 1091.

    Maggie's been bit! That's the big news. And it wasn't Barnabas! And I suspect it wasn't the prime suspect being floated, Sebastian Shaw, either. (Maggie had just gone out with him earlier that night.) My guess, though it hasn't been revealed yet, is that it'll turn out to be Roxanne! Shaw's been seen during the day, but as far as I can tell, Roxanne hasn't. 

    In other news, I was disappointed that David stopped one flag-wave short of summoning an army of zombie pirates. 

  • Tracy and I went to Scotland a couple of years ago and loved it! You're going to have a great time. Be sure to hoist one at The Last Drop for me. We'll have to compare notes when you get back. Thanks for letting us know you'll be gone. Back to Dark Shadows...

    For a long time now I've been saying that Barnabas was no longer a vampire when the show ended, but now I'm second guessing myself. He was cured by Adam, and I thought he was only a vamire when he travelled to the past. But Jeb Hawkes made him a vampire again in 950, and he was certainly a vampire in Parallel Time. As soon as Julia discovers that Maggie has been bitten, she goes right to Barnabas, but who has he been feeding on all this time? 

    The Last Drop - Scotland's Pubs and Bars
    The Last Drop sits in Edinburgh’s Grassmarket district. The Grassmarket was a small open space where local farmers brought their hay and other produc…
  • I ran across this photo recently: Frid and Selby with Alice Cooper

  • Thanks for posting that picture, Tim; I had never seen it before. I have been trying to keep Dark Shadows in the public eye wth "Dark Shadows (alternate version)" while Rob is out of town, but I realize the "public eye" is only three or four people (and until you posted the photo yesterday, I would have said "three"), but fewer still are reading "Dark Shadows (alternate version)." (I'm thinking of changing my screen name to "Jeff the Raelian.") "Dark Shadows (alternate version)" is for anyone who enjoys bad comics, especially the ones with links to Danny Horn's "Dark Shadows Every Day" blog posts. But I realize most Legionaires these days are more interested in posting comic book covers than actually discussing comics.

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