This issue deals with the aftermath of the events depicted last issue and showcases the return of Batman, the return of Superman, and the transformation of Hal Jordan into Parallax. I was surprised that they correctly pointed out that Green Lantern didn’t massacre the Green Lantern Corps. As with issue #7, I actually enjoyed the recap of events more than the events themselves.
The back-up feature deals with the New Gods, but is told entirely from Claudia Shane’s point of view, which I thought was a nice touch. The art is by Frank Quitely, and it strikes me that a Frank Quitely New Gods series (perhaps written by Grant Morrison) would be a welcome thing, indeed.
Well, it seems to me that now that Hal's no longer a villain, it's in DC's best interest to be clear that he didn't kill every Corps member he came across. Incidentally, how did Kilowog come back to life?
This was the first issue that felt like a let-down to me. I was never crazy about the original events it depicts (aside from the Return of Superman), and the only thing the issue (and really, the series) adds is context, and a newer, semi-official ("everyone remembers this differently") timeline.
The New Gods story disappointed me, too -- lovely as it is. Most of the backups have been stories.. this one is more of a vignette -- an alternate look at (a moment from) an historic event we've already seen, rather than a new adventure of older characters. Which is maybe why to book as a whole felt more rehash-y to me than usual -- there wasn't a newish backup to balance it out.
I forget the exact circumstances, but Kilowog was returned to life in the Green Lantern: Legacy - The Last Will and Testament of Hal Jordan hardcover (2001), and (IIRC) was restored to his former self during the course of Green Lantern Reborn. GLC membership was only 41 Lanterns at the time of "Emerald Twilight" in the first place, with 10 confirmed deaths and 31 survivors.
I think the New Gods backup, as seen from the point of view of LCaudia Shane, helped emphasize their other-worldliness, and the depiction of Orion's true face shows not so much how Kirby drew him, but how Claudia perceived him.
A very good--and very late--thing indeed! I think it would be fine if it was only a four issue mini! Otherwise, we're looking fill-in art.