DC Universe Legacies #9

I don’t mean to reopen old wounds (yes I do), but Day of Judgment is not the redemption of Hal Jordan; Final Night is the redemption of Hal Jordan. As DCU Legacies #9 would have it, Final Night is the fall, but “Emerald Twilight” is the fall. IOW, “Emerald Twilight” and Final Night complete the “rise, fall and redemption” cycle; with Day of Judgment and Rebirth, DC redefined the cycle as “rise, fall, redemption, resurrection and reset button.”

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  • Yeah, Rise, Fall, Redemption and Resurrection are all much revered storylines in myths, legend, literature and religion.


    After all that, Reset Button is just stupid.


    Which I take it is what you are getting at...


    I'm still annoyed that I won't be able to look at Day of Judgement in my JLA thread.  It would have fitted in there nicely.  C'est la Vie.

  • I gave up on Legacies after it reached a point where I didn't care that much about how the jagged pieces all fit together (if they could). I didn't know what parts were actually what happened and what parts they wanted to convince me were the way it went, which made it less interesting. I'll be curious to see if it's leading to anything, because the POV characters seem more intrusive than interesting in the issues I read.

    -- MSA

  • Are they going somewhere with this ne'er-do-well brother-in-law in the wheelchair? It doesn't seem so.
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