1)I always had my doubts about the Daleks putting the Master on trial - surely, if they decided he'd done them any dirt they'd just exterminate them? Maybe it was all a set-up to get at the Doctor.
2)The Dalek voices sound goofy in this.
3)I like this version of the theme music.
4)I was glad they kept it "in continuity".
5)"The Time Lord has thirteen lives..."
6)"And nearing the end of my seventh life..."
7)I also liked the TARDIS console room in this.
8)I see that McCoy finally got rid of the question mark jumper, which he loathed.
9)And the Seventh Doctor wanders out into a hail of bullets.
10)I hate being on pager.
11)"I am not like you!"
12)The probe scene is fairly nightmarish.
13)The regeneration scene was fairly good.
14)This really was unlike any Doctor Who we had seen up to that point - both in production values and story structure.
15)And again the Doctor steals clothes from a hospital.
16)Roberts does "creepy" well.
17)"Somehow I don't think the Second Coming happens here." "Right. You think He's gonna go to a better hospital?"
18)"You have to get me out of here before they kill me again!"
19)"I am not Bruce."
20)The Doctor had a father.
21)I like the the way they realized the Cloister Room.
22)That's not quite the way the Eye of Harmony was originally defined. I like the explanation that it's a link back to the original Eye on Gallifrey.
23)The infamous kiss!
24)"I am the Doctor!"
25)"The Doctor is half human. No wonder..."
26)"She kiss as good as me?" "As well as you."
27)"He's British!" "Yes, I suppose I am." Maybe his mother was British.
28)I sure hope that cop never catches up with Grace later.
29)"The road's still blocked." "This is an ambulance."
30)"Doctor Bowman"?
31)"I'm half human on my mother's side."
32)"Its cloaking device got stuck on a previous misadventure."
33)Ashbrook does "possessed" well.
34)"I always dress for the occasion."
35)Why would it take a human to open the Eye?
36)"I have wasted all my lives because of you, Doctor."
37)"Life is wasted on the living."
38)"What a sentimental old thing this TARDIS is!"
39)Gallifrey is 250 million light years from Earth. Well, was.
40)And he hits the console.
41)Hey, Tony Dow was the visual effects producer.
Overall, I was glad to see this again - I found it quite enjoyable. Shame McGann never got more of a run on TV.
Its a fun episode though. McGann is great as the Doc. The inconsistencies with canon don't bother me, either because I'm not passionate about the Doc in that way, or because its a show where so much happens off-camera that anything is consistent enough.
I wonder is there any chance at all of McGann appearing in the current show?
Strangely enough, being able to relax and cite 'good daleks' and Thals for the seemingly tricky plot elements is coming out the other side of nutty obsession to the same shrug of the shoulders as the rest of us!