
  • I covered it (briefly) on the thread "The Lost TV Episodes: Volume 1: 1964-1965" but now that it's going to be animated we need this dedicated thread. 

  • I was able to see an animated version of this story

    "Four Hundred Dawns"

    1. "I think we shall get some well-deserved undeserved for once."  OK, Bill.
    2. "Chumbly"? OK, Vicki.
    3. "Xeros"  - a callback to "The Space Museum"
    4. "We have no other directions except to take you to Maaga."  No, not Maaga!
    5. "We have a small  number of men, as many as we need. The rest we kill." Ah, the old cliche - the  Planet of the Women".

    Cliffhanger: "Tomorrow is the last day this planet will ever se!"


    "Trap of Steel"

    1. "I think Guy Fawkes must have been resurrected."
    2. "My ship's not made of tin like this old trash!"
    3. "In the first place, madame, I never kill anything." Except Daleks, of course.
    4. The Rills appear to  have a Dalek "heartbeat" machine.

    Cliffhanger: Vicki sees something and screams!


    "Air Lock"

    1. After giving a long speech about not going out on patrol, Maaga sent  a Drahvin out on patrol.
    2. Steven manages to escape because the Drahvins are spectacularly stupid. Maybe breeding your soldiers to be idiots isn't a good idea.

    Cliffhanger: "You must surrender - -or die!"


    "The Exploding Planet"

    1. I half expected Steven to suddenly sabotage the Rills as a plot complication.
    2. "Now you  know what we look like."  Sort of like big melted toads.
    3. I wonder what the Rills did with that one unconscious Drahvin that was still on their ship at tghe end.

    Cliffhanger: Some guy is on a "mission to the unknown" - and it's not going well!

    Overall: An OK story with the gimmick of the "pretty" people being "bad" and the "ugly" people being "good". I'm glad to have finally seen it. 



  • I recently watched all of the Second Doctor serials that have been recently animated. From there I moved on to certain First Doctor serials I have not seen as often as some others, namely: "An Unearthly child" (parts 2-4), "The edge of Destruction," "The Keys of Marinus" and "The Sensorites." Right now I am in the middle of "Planet of Giants" with plans to move on to "The Rescue," "The Web Panet," "The Space Museum" and "The Chase." I will definitely slot "Galaxy 4" in after that.

    Hmm... I see that animated versions of "The Celestial Toymaker" and "The Abominable Snowmen" are also now available.

    I keep waiting to see the colorized version of "The War Games" to be solicited, but so far no joy.

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