1)"Of course we won't starve. The sand-piranhas will get us long before that."
2)"I'm the new caretaker. John Smith."
3)"It's Assembly - you better get going. Go and worship something."
4)The gag with the teacher who vaguely resembled Matt Smith was amusing.
5)The bit with the Doctor whistling Pink Floyd was amusing, also.
6)I want a "Go Away Humans" doormat.
7)"He's your dad. Your space dad."
8)I did like the confrontation between Danny and the Doctor. "He's an officer." One thing that the old show didn't so too much was to show the effect that the companions' travels with the Doctor had on their friends and family. It couldn't, really, with the format it had. Every episode had to drive towards the next cliffhanger, so there was seldom time for more than the occasional nod to their lives outside the TARDIS. I sometimes think that the new show goes a little too far in the other direction, that's it's in danger of becoming too "soap opera". In the old show, we probably would have learned alot more about wher ethe space robot came from, for one thing.
9)"On balance, I think that went quite well." I am enjoying Capaldi in this. It's obvious that even if jis Doctor isn't romantically interested in Clara, he's a little bit jealous of the time she spends with other people.
10)"Don't they teach you anyhting at Stupid School?" On the other hand, I do feel as though his hatred of soldiers is a bit overdone. One wishes Nicholas Courtney were still with us, so that the Brigadier could show up in the middle of one of the Doctor's anti-soldier rants. I suppose one could posit that it's all meant to be a projection of his own self-hatred considering the number of things he presumably did during the War himself.
11)"Ah, yes, there has been a spillage." Is that the show's first vomit joke, there?
12)And Missy,again. So, who do we think she is? It certainly seems as though she's being set up to be Death (which makes her reference to the Doctor as her "boyfriend" a few episodes back seem extra-creepy), so that means that's probably the one thing she can't be. We shall see.
Overall: I liked this one alot, myself. Capaldi's "Doctor-as-cantankerous-old-sod" is growing on me.
Obviously I can't speak for anyone but myself but every time they show Coal Hill School, I keep hoping William Russel will show up as Ian Chesterton say as a visiting headmaster or Superintendent or something. The character of Ian has no idea about regeneration so he would have no idea throughout the whole story who the Twelfth Doctor is but it would be great to have him show up and keep thinking "This is the sort of thing The Doctor would love" and end the story with him hearing the TARDIS dematerializing.
I am still on the fence about the Twelfth Doctor. Overall I am enjoying the stories but his being angry just for the sake of being angry is starting to wear. As far as the spillage, I kept hoping it would be out the front door of the TARDIS. I just had this image of it passing outside the confines of the TARDIS' force field and this image of perma-frozen vomit hanging in space. THERE would something for Voyager to investigate. LOL!
This Doctor is certainly jealous of Clara's social attachments. But I like the way they keep emphasizing how non-sexual it is, in fact he doesn't seem to understand sexual attraction at all. He insists on not seeing Clara as an attractive young woman, constantly thinking she looks as old as he does, or implying that she needs to work on her looks.
John Moret said:
Yeah, that would be pretty cool, particularly if the Twelfth Doctor kept calling Ian "Chatterton" and "Chesterfield" and so on.
Mark Sullivan (Vertiginous Mod) said:
Though I'm not the biggest River Song booster, I confess that it might be interesting to see her reaction to the Capaldi Doctor.
"John Smith" is old hat. He should have introduced himself as 'Willie'.