
  • Part One

    1)You can tell that's Ainley, just from the voice. The Master seems to have sunk to a Team Rocket level of disguise.

    2)"Another way of keeping warm."

    3)"Gilles Estram"? Ho-ho-ho.


    5)"He is said to be the best swordsman in France." "Well, fortunately, we are in England." Sorry, gents, but you don't do sword-fighting as well as Pertwee and Delgado.

    6)Cliffhanger: "Oh, my dear Doctor, you have been naive. Now, give me Pikachui!"

    Part Two

    7)Should the Master have given up his disguise like that?

    8)The iron maiden is the Master's TARDIS - saw that coming.

    9)"Arise, Sir Doctor."

    10)Ah, yes, the infamous Kamelion. One of the great Doctor Who bad ideas. I shall have to listen to the commentary track to hear how Saward blames JNT for this.

    11)"You're getting old, Doctor, your will is weak. It's time you regenerated." Almost, almost.

    12)"Chaos will reign, and I shall be its emperor."

    13)"Medieval misfits!" Now say "Bubbleheaded boobies!"

    A somewhat lightweight story, remembered now for saddling the series with the famously unworkable robot.
  • What amazes me about poor Kamelion is that they tried using an actual robot. Were it an actor in a halfway decent costume then Kamelion might have become a decent and memorable companion.
  • Cavalier said:
    What amazes me about poor Kamelion is that they tried using an actual robot. Were it an actor in a halfway decent costume then Kamelion might have become a decent and memorable companion.

    Well, supposedly, it was something that they got sold on, where it seemed much more impressive in the demo than it was when they actually tried to use it.
  • I watched this one last night, and because it was only a two-parter I (uncustomarily) watched both parts in the same sitting. I really don't have much to say about this one that hasn't already been said (and wouldn't have had even that much to say in any case). I'm looking forward much more to beginning "Planet of Fire" tonight.
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