We get the wrap-up to the "Monks Trilogy", with Bill helping the Doctor escape from captivity. The Doctor's manipulation of Bill was somewhat reminiscent of the way the Seventh Doctor would sometimes manipulate Ace.
The Monks were defeated awfully easily in the end. You'd think they would have had better guards on their super-secret broadcast station.
As for the story line with Missy, I'm curious to see where they're going with that. I'm skeptical that she's actually trying to be "good" I think it more likely that she's scheming about something.
That said, Missy as a rival, pragmatic, brutal and unsentimental do-gooder would be an interesting idea.
Overall; An OK, episode. I'm glad to see this story line end.
We finally got around to watching this one last night. Regarding the Doctor's manipulation of Bill, the one thing I just didn't buy was when Bill shot him. I wouldn't say the whole plot hinged on that action, but a pretty big piece of it did, allowing the plot to move forward. Even though she was thoroughly convinced the Doctor was on the side of the Monks, I don't see her shooting anyone, ever. Other than that, I feel much the same way about it as you do.