NOT encouraging arguments about the candidates/parties/issues connected with the upcoming US presidential election , let's make comments about stuff ~ um , whatever ~ connected to it !!!!!!!!!
Really , I would , seriously , keep " giving one's opinion/who one favors " to an absolute minimum , if not out 100% .
However ~
For a real-world thing , it's interesting to think about the " third-party " candidates .
Getting a California election guide recently , there were 4 " fps, " listed IIRC , I'll detail them later .
Are there any fps on the ballot in all 50 states plus DC , etc. ? I think not , even if we extend it to " basically the same party , just another name " , I believe the Reform party - with Ross Perot's money - was the last to do that , and did they even do that 100% ?
Hey , non-Americans - it would be especially nice to have you identify yourself when posting upon this line .
For something comic book:
Remember that '08 DC Universe election mini-series ?
It was supposef to say who , by name , Rep. or Dem. , won the DCU's election though elsewhere .
Did it ever ???
Wow, it's hard to imagine the GOP going much further right without leaving most of the US electorate behind. Personally I'm convinced that we are fundamentally moderate:no national politician who has been very far from center has had much influence during my lifetime. Of course during my lifetime there used to be such a thing as a "moderate Republican," which seems impossible now.
Earlier today I heard an NPR show that talked about "momentum" in the presidential race, as if it was a football game. That horse race way of looking at politics has become completely pervasive, and it drives me nuts.
...Having been in California 15 years or so , I am rather used to this " Proposition: " system we have here , where various Propositions go , if they qualify etc. , on the ballot for a yes-no vote , becoming law if they do - Unless a different Proposition that either paralells or contradicts said proposition ALSO wins , in which case - I think - either one cancels out the other , which cancels the first or it's lawsuits ahoy !!!!!!!!! I think .
The criticism has been made that , bluntly , this system tends to lead to " feel-good " must-put-aside laws , or taxes , becoming law without much full discussion of their effect/how they will be paid for .
The often-criticized Proposition 13 , from the 70s ( I believe Proposition numbers get recycled - from 1?? - after they run out - at 49?? . ) , though it of course very popular with many people , as well , might provide an object example of this .
Another California uniquity?? Though not relevant this year:
The Governor and Liuteant Governor are elected sepeately , and so it is possible for diffent-parties folks in different offices in Sacramento - and it happened as recently as Jerry Brown's earlier sojourn there , where in one term coservative-oriented music mogul of the 70s Mike Curb ran for LG and won !!!!!!!!!!!
Does any other state do this ??? At least to this extent ???
This article didn't seem to be up then .
Could someone find it for me , please ?
Vote for the party , whatever it is ~ NOT the man !!!!!!!!!
Sounds different from what we're usually told ? Well , this Salon dude ~
...It's down to Ohio - AGAIN .
Really , did Dido write the script for this ???????
Hehehehehehehehehe .
BTW , California , state-wide and national , has some odd differnet voting things...Oh , and Spidey had opinions on the candidates in '72 !!!!!!!!! Just stay tuned and see .