Electoral Observations

NOT encouraging arguments about the candidates/parties/issues connected with the upcoming US presidential election , let's make comments about stuff ~ um , whatever ~ connected to it !!!!!!!!!

  Really , I would , seriously , keep " giving one's opinion/who one favors " to an absolute minimum , if not out 100% .

  However ~

  For a real-world thing , it's interesting to think about the " third-party " candidates .

  Getting a California election guide recently , there were 4 " fps, " listed IIRC , I'll detail them later .

  Are there any fps on the ballot in all 50 states plus DC , etc. ? I think not , even if we extend it to " basically the same party , just another name " , I believe the Reform party - with Ross Perot's money - was the last to do that , and did they even do that 100% ?

  Hey , non-Americans - it would be especially nice to have you identify yourself when posting upon this line .

  For something comic book:

  Remember that '08 DC Universe election mini-series ?

  It was supposef to say who , by name , Rep. or Dem. , won the DCU's election though elsewhere .

  Did it ever ???

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  • Wow, it's hard to imagine the GOP going much further right without leaving most of the US electorate behind. Personally I'm convinced that we are fundamentally moderate:no national politician who has been very far from center has had much influence during my lifetime. Of course during my lifetime there used to be such a thing as a "moderate Republican," which seems impossible now.

    Earlier today I heard an NPR show that talked about "momentum" in the presidential race, as if it was a football game. That horse race way of looking at politics has become completely pervasive, and it drives me nuts.

  • ...Having been in California 15 years or so , I am rather used to this " Proposition: " system we have here , where various Propositions go , if they qualify etc. , on the ballot for a yes-no vote , becoming law if they do - Unless a different Proposition that either paralells or contradicts said proposition ALSO wins , in which case - I think - either one cancels out the other , which cancels the first or it's lawsuits ahoy !!!!!!!!! I think .

      The criticism has been made that , bluntly , this system tends to lead to " feel-good " must-put-aside laws , or taxes , becoming law without much full discussion of their effect/how they will be paid for .

      The often-criticized Proposition 13 , from the 70s ( I believe Proposition numbers get recycled - from 1?? - after they run out - at 49?? . ) , though it of course very popular with many people , as well , might provide an object example of this .

      Another California uniquity?? Though not relevant this year:

      The Governor and Liuteant Governor are elected sepeately , and so it is possible for diffent-parties folks in different offices in Sacramento - and it happened as recently as Jerry Brown's earlier sojourn there , where in one term coservative-oriented music mogul of the 70s Mike Curb ran for LG and won !!!!!!!!!!!

      Does any other state do this ??? At least to this extent ???

  • ...I saw an article trailered , in the ham/promo for the British politics/culture magazine the Spectato rwhich I get , that apparently argued , from the writer's British (and the Spectator is considered a Tory loyalist magazine in the U.K.) perspective , that " the U.S. race is between two forms of conservatism - moderate conservatism , represented by Obama , and radical conservatism , Romney's side " .
    This article didn't seem to be up then .
    Could someone find it for me , please ?
  • Vote for the party , whatever it is ~ NOT the man !!!!!!!!!

    Sounds different from what we're usually told ? Well , this Salon dude ~


  • ...It's down to Ohio - AGAIN .

      Really , did Dido write the script for this ???????

      Hehehehehehehehehe .

      BTW , California , state-wide and national , has some odd differnet voting things...Oh , and Spidey had opinions on the candidates in '72 !!!!!!!!! Just stay tuned and see .

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