Not to be a buzzkill, but -- weirdly -- this site is very much a part of my memories of Sept 11, 2001.
I live in the Central timezone, so by the time I got into work, things had already started happening. We didn't have a TV in the office (we wound up breaking into the building's gym after the second plane hit so we could use their TVs).
I had just started hanging around on the original version of this site (the Comics Cave? or Cavern? or am I making that up?)... anyway, the point is, at that time (about 8:45 AM CDT) all the news sites were flooded with traffic and unusable. The first clear answer I got to what was going on was on this site. I stayed on for half an hour jackhammering the F5 key while my officemate did the same on the CNN site, and I got better info than he did.
So, to everyone who was around back then, thanks for being a much-needed lifeline.
I also clearly remember practically sleepwalking to the comic shop the next day, halfway convinced they wouldn't even be open. When they were, and when there were new books on the shelf (I do NOT, however, remember what they were) I recall thinking how weird it was, and feeling vaguely ashamed that, in the face of... at that point... god only knew what... I was buying comic books.
Life goes on, I suppose.
Have a good day, everyone.
-Green Arrow
It was a pretty weird day for me as well. I pretty much never watch TV in the morning. The only reason I was that day was because I was getting a ride to work from a co-worker, and I was waiting for him. While I was waiting I was watching Sportscenter and just flipped over to Good Morning America during a commercial and I just thought, "Huh that's weird." seeing the fire from the first hit, and it was such an "Oh, S!" moment when I saw the second plane fly in.
Still muddled through the day at work, it had to get done, but still running upstairs as often as possible to watch more of it on the news, and listen to the radio reports. Another co-worker's sister came over and spent the whole day at the store, because she just didn't want to be by herself. Delivery drivers coming back and commenting on just how empty Dallas was. No cars on the streets, no one at the restaurants.
I went to class after lunch. The community college I attended was a ghost town. My psychology class ended up being canceled so I went home. Actually they canceled all classes for that day.
I live in Tallahasssee Florida and Tallahassee went on a high security alert after that. At the time George W Bush's brother, Jeb was the governor so that was the reason.
The next day I went to FSU to see an advanced screening of Joy Ride at their student cinema but it was canceled because the film didn't make it to town due to delayed flights from the day before.
The comics on sale the next day:
In a really horrible coincidence, this issue of The Adventures of Superman was on sale on September 12, 2001:
With this panel:
It was during the Our Worlds at War storyline and the twin LexCorps towers had been damaged. DC made the issue returnable, but few were sent back.
The main thing I remember was how unreal it seemed. When I first heard that a plane had struck the towers, I didn't quite believe it, and assumed it was something like a personal aircraft that had gone off course. Then after getting the full picture about the coordinated attack I saw the news in our break room at work and discovered that both towers had collapsed. I remember turning to a coworker and asking, "are they really saying that both towers are down?"