Get ready, ladies and gentlemen, for the fight extravaganza of the millenium! From Madison Square Garden, Don King Productions presents to you:
That's right ladies and gentlemen, a blood-thirsty, hair-pulling, bloody scratching lollapalooza of a slobberknocker! Let's meet our brave combatants!
First of all, from Muncie, Indiana, the lasagne loving, dog-hating feline fury known as Garfield!
In the next corner, from Westfinster, that fish-loving garbage can knocker-downer Heathcliff!
From parts unknown, that pink sock loving scamp Mooch!
Hailing from the mean streets of Boston, it's big, bad Bucky Katt! *crowd boos heavily. Obviously the heel*
And from Dubuque, Iowa and the rest of Western Civilization, it's Bill the cat!
*pyro goes off, Bill makes his way slowly to the ring, passing out every few feet, smashing bags of Tender Vittles against his head*
Get ready for the biggest fight ever in the history of the recorded universe! Calling our fight tonight will be Joey Styles and Jerry "The King Lawler"
Jerry "The King" Lawler: Where are the puppies?
So, how does this one go down? Who wins this brutal five way, no holds barred fight to the finish?
Gotta go with Bucky Katt. Mooch is too nice, Bill will be lucky to stay conscious for five seconds and Garfield's way out of shape. The only one who might be in with a chance is Heathcliff, but I don't think he has the same killer instinct that Bucky has.
Even death couldn't stop Bill the Cat! He would drool the rest of them into submission.
It's Slobberin' Time!
Deathtongue Rules!!!
I don't think Garfield would be bothered unless lasagne was the prize.
Mooch would likely be tenacious, but completely overmatched.
Heathcliff would fight the good fight, but I don't think he's underhanded enough.
Bucky would probably rip through the competition with ease, having no problems until Heathcliff. It wiould be a knockdown, drag out fight, but Bucky would cheat and defeat Heathcliff. However, I think the effort would exhaust him, leaving him vulnerable to...
Bill the Cat, who would likely pass out when the bell rang so everyone would forget him, then I think he would defeat Bucky by barfing Tender Vittles all over him. Of course, all of this is just my opinion.
Long live Deathtongue!
(gives me an idea for another vs. thread)
There's a run-in from Scratch Fury!
Too busy with Kringus.
PowerBook Pete, the Mad Mod said: