
  • I'm planning to get Red Son & Secret Origin this way.


    And don't forget, there are a handful of 1970s issues from each of the six Retroactive titles that are 99 cents apiece, too!

  • I've taken advantage of these 99 cent deals on a regular basis.  I like that they include a few of the Golden Age books in the mix.  I could never afford a copy of Action Comics #1 but for 99 cents I can "own" the digital version.


    I picked up the GA issues as well as Secret Orign and Birthright.


  • I bought the three oldest Action Comics that are being offered. I'm still reading my way through the Golden Age Wonder Woman stories I bought when they had her sale recently so it'll be a bit before I get to read these Superman stories. The downside of the Golden Age reprints is that they only include the character being featured. 99c is still a heckuva bargain even for that, though.

  • Cavaliere (moderator) said:
    I bought the three oldest Action Comics that are being offered. I'm still reading my way through the Golden Age Wonder Woman stories I bought when they had her sale recently so it'll be a bit before I get to read these Superman stories. The downside of the Golden Age reprints is that they only include the character being featured. 99c is still a heckuva bargain even for that, though.
    ...You're partially answering my question !
      So , reprints of comic books bought here - are modern-era ones all 36 ( Interior plus cover . ) pages ???
      Atomic , Golden ones are NOT " 52 " or " 68 " pages ???
      Are Prestiege Format ( Kingdom Come ) ones all interior pages plus the front and back AND inside ( which were often blank on PFs , IIRC . ) covers ???
  • It depends on the title, ED. Of the Golden Age issues I bought for Wonder Woman, Sensation Comics and All Star Comics have just the Wonder Woman stories from those issues. In Sensation Comics, the stories from 2-3, 4-5, 6-7, and 8-9 are bundled together so there was still nearly 30 pages for the 99c. In her own title, Wonder Woman, it's the full issues of about 50 pages each. Quite the bargain for 99c! Even if it is only 13 pages of story for 99c like the issues of Action Comics I bought Saturday, it's still a good deal. What's a shame in my opinion is that I'm missing out on the other stories in those issues. I'd rather like to read them all.
  • Oh, and I can't answer your Kingdom Come question since I'm not buying those digitally. I see no reason to purchase again something that I already have in a different format.
  • ...Thank you !!
  • The current sale is JMS's Rising Stars. I already have all the issues but it is well worth buying if you don't.
  • I find it interesting that DC apparently finds that the "normal people " :-) still want S/B even if the "continuity issues/rebooting" has it discontinued now! :-):-):-)

    Maybe this is the wrong post:-( I thought that therewas a post about all the ishes of the,recently discontinued because of New 52,Superman/Batman title.

  • Pearly?

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