Grammar Cop


Post your linguistic pet peeves here.

I'll start with with the improper use of the third person plural personal pronoun "they" when the singular form is called for.

(See below for the correct pronoun to use in this case.)


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  • OVERHEARD TODAY ON THE RADIO: The story was about the new Peppa Pig Theme Park in North Dallas. The reporter said that going to the park "is like stepping into a cartoon world," and then she added, "and I mean that literally." Apparently "and I mean that literally" is the new thing to say when misusing the word "literally." I wonder how long I can keep this up. I'll bet that every day, if I listen to the radio long enough, I can find a further example of someone misusing the word "literally."

    PEPPA PIG Theme Park Dallas Ft Worth
    Have a day of oinktastic fun at the brand-new PEPPA PIG Theme Park Dallas-Fort Worth designed just for little ones – Now open – Book today.
  • With reference to the post that starts this thread:


    The ship has sailed on this one.

    It sounds odd to people who were educated when we were, but people have been using the singular "they" for generations, colloquially, and it beats the plethora of alternatives that have been suggested: ze/zem, xe/xem, it/its, ve/ver.

    And (with apologies to the trans community)  many of the people who complain about the singular "they" and find "he" a perfectly acceptable gender-neutral third person would never say "man, the mammal, breast-feeds his young."

    • No, but they do use the term "chestmilk."

    • Probably not the people who complain about the singular "they," though.

      Never did understand terms like "chest-feeding." Whom does the term "breast-feeding" exclude? They're still breasts. 

    • kiQ3zsF.gif

    • Probably, these people think the word "breast" is like the three-letter version of the word "teat." 

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