I just thought I'd post an alert that this show is debuting tonight at 7:00 PM EST -- a fact that I was completely unaware of until I stumbled across a review at the AV Club a few moments ago.
They gave it a pretty good review by the way, so I'm hoping it lives up to the hype.
Anyone know about any subsequent airings? I'd intended to watch it, but it was already more than a half-hour in when I ran to the tv... and my wife was recording a Rangers game anyway.
I thought the CGI was too obviously done on the cheap, but the story itself wasn't too bad at all.
I'm not seeing any additional airings listed on Cartoon Network's website, but I'm certain they'll rebroadcast it in the spring when it starts its regular weekly run.
Rob Staeger said:
Watched it. Not bad at all, even with my least favorite GL ever being featured. That said...
Really I hope Hal feels extraordinarily guilty for screwing over an entire planet's worth of people and getting a fellow Green Lantern killed in the bargain. He was an absolute idiot, and his actions imperiled everyone.