
  • He's probably a better actor than his resume would lead one to believe, and he definitely has charisma. This could be terrible or it could be an inspired choice. I'll give it the benefit of the doubt until I see the movie.
  • I think Reynolds will do a good job...and preliminary figures have the budget at 200 million! Holy greenbacks, Batman!!
  • I'm used to Reynolds in more over-the-top comedic roles (Van Wilder, Waiting...) and/or smarmy man-child roles Waiting... again, Adventureland), but I know he's done some more straightforward roles too...

    He's not necessarily my first pick, but I could come to be good with the idea.
  • I'll go see this, no doubt about it.
    Now, who are they going to cast as Sinestro? The Guardians?
  • Mark Russell Pennington said:
    I'll go see this, no doubt about it.
    Now, who are they going to cast as Sinestro? The Guardians?

    Sinestro I don't know about, but I would the Guardians would be CGI.
  • I nominate Terry O'Quinn as Abin Sur!

    Travis Herrick said:
    Mark Russell Pennington said:
    I'll go see this, no doubt about it.
    Now, who are they going to cast as Sinestro? The Guardians?

    Sinestro I don't know about, but I would the Guardians would be CGI.
  • sly simpson said:
    we need a thumbs up. do we have smileys anymore? :)

    Photobucket There ya go
  • I think he can handle the role, well. At least the serious side. His acting in Smokin' Aces was pretty good.
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