I saw the first two HALLOWEEN (Michael Mysers) on AMC , edited for TV .
I'd never seen them before , actual-like . I saw them in reverse order , the showing of II follwed by the " " more for the West Coast "?? repeat of I .
I have been in a hospital ~ again ~ the past couplish days , I am typing this standing up , in just hospital gowns and upper foot coverings (I have bi-i-iig diabetically ~ Type 2 ~ made worse " great toe " infections , on both feet .) .
Some movie observations:
In I , for Jamie Lee Curtis and her female buddies , the usual " overaged Hollywood teenager " feel is made considerably more so by the fact that supposed normal teenagers are wearing what sure don't quite seem like what one would think as " late 70s groovy teenager " clothes .
Instead , their clothes (I guess hairstyles , too .) look considerably " older woman "-ish , one could even say " matron/yenta-ish " , well , sorta !!! Really , they seem to be rather " mature "-looking clothes for teenage babysitters coming home from HS .
I suppose they're pretty well-off , upper middle-class teenagers in a " nice " neighborhood in a small town in the presumably more conservative Midwest - but still...
Jamie and one of her buds share , in a car , what I suppose is supposed to be a joint , while driving !!!!!!!!! - However , the presumed doob has filter-on-a-tobacco-cigarette style shading on it .
This is , perhaps , the first " slasher " film ~ and as such , the concept hadn't yet developed into a rigid pose/corset , besides the pace being FAARR more 70s-leisurely - The commercials on AMC included this slasher-movie spoofing ad for...insurance??...with sterotype slasherteens running as " When you're in a horror movie , you make stupid decisions . That's what you do " !!
II brings out the Big Reveal about the blood (Um , sorry .) between two crucial characters...Okay , SPOILER , the rev that Curis's Laurie Strode and Michael Mysers are biological siblings ! May I bring up STAR WARS here :-) ? The late 70s , I tell ya...
Jamie's daddy is a respectable real estate agent ,true , but could he really , even when adoptive kids' biologicals who weren't even in such a horror were routinely kept secret , give her a new identity in the same town ? Maybe he adopted her elsewhere and eventually moved there .
Oh , and could the Myers house ,even at the edge of a um-c neighborhood , really be kept empty and rotting for 15 years ? Maybe the town planning board would want it knocked down , and then the lot maybe left non-built upon for a few ~ less than 15 ~ years ? (We will presume that Pa Strode inherited some receivership-regency for the house as the adoptive father of the only " good " survivor ,and has kept it for years , but even so ?????)
...The 1981-copyrighted II follows up directly after the original , set in 1978 - So were they already thinking clothes/styles were a bit of a " period piece " by then ? Sheessh , I got some meloncohly(Sp!!) at seeing " the way things used to look - whatsomeone young would react to all those curly-corded heavy plastic Ma Bell phones in use , I don't know...
Instead , their clothes (I guess hairstyles , too .) look considerably " older woman "-ish , one could even say " matron/yenta-ish " , well , sorta !!! Really , they seem to be rather " mature "-looking clothes for teenage babysitters coming home from HS .
Sounds like they were drawn by Steve Ditko.
I have the first movie (have seen more of them, but the first is best) but haven't watched it in a while.
Ditto Nightmare on Elm Street.
...Maybe I could compare it to the sort of " grown-up ' younger ' person , been through the Sixties " clothes that I recall , say , the actresses in the original Saturday Night Live cast wearing on the show . The somewhat puffed-out hair ~ Not quite " big hair " as we calll it to-day , although Jamie's came close ~ perhaps drew up a Jewish comparison , thus the " yenta " usage . " Younger " versions of " older woman " clothes , sort of .
Really , were they supposed to have been at a Student Government Club meeting , or A-V Club , the theater group , to have been wearing such - relatively - " dressed-up " clothes to HS ?
I've re-titled this , AMC is showing two a day of the Halloween series plus more this week ~ including SCREAM , which I am familiar with ~ So , I'll contribute ,in my own little way , to all the " marathon look back " posts here lately .
Richard Willis said:
I saw this in the theatre when it came out and I never noticed any of these things. I remember being most impressed by the nudity and the blood, something very knew to me because I'd only just reached the age where I could go into that sort of movie.
...Well , the clothes , etc. were ,basically anyhow , contemporary then...And , heh heh , you said it yourself , about your age then:-)...
Mark S. Ogilvie said:
...I got discharged earlier than anticipated but I also saw TREMORS , finally (Not always paying enough attention .) , which , of course , was an attemmpt at the " 50s monster flick " updated .
Fun !!!!!!!!! (Played for so .)
An odd point ~ It had what I assume were (heavily , anyway) " real " special effects , of real-matter , story-sized by the actors giant worms ~ Quite nifty/" euchhy "-looking .
...Since it was my thread:-).........I decided to restart this HALLOWEEN thread in honor of the LATEST Halloween reboot, where Jamie Lee Curtis returns as Laurie Strode AGAIN.........No spoilers, 'que?