Happy Gwen Stacy

The line of Marvel Super Hero Squad figures isn't quite dead, apparently. Today I bought this tie-in to the Amazing Spider-Movie, featuring Lizard, Spider-Man and Gwen Stacy. There are two other three-packs available, one of which features Green Goblin. I feel fortunate they didn't put Goblin, Spidey and Gwen together in one Sins Past package.


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  • That's a Happy Lizard, too!! But Yikes!! They forgot his pants!! That never happened to the toy Hulk!!

  • There has been a Lizard before, albeit one with Hulk-like purple pants,

    It's encouraging to see that tie-in, as maybe the line isn't gone. There's an online game that uses them, too, so maybe with all the billions the Avengers are pulling in, along with the other franchises, they'll find some more combinations to make up.

    There's no question that a Happy Gwen Stacy was a significant omission. Now she can join the existing Happy MJ. Best of all, they didn't just repaint MJ's hair to make Gwen!

    I'll have to keep an eye out. It's been awhile since I've haunted the toy aisles, but I'll have to stop by to see how easy this is to find.

    -- MSA

  • I didn't see any Super Hero Squad toys tying into The Avengers movie, much to my surprise. I would like to have an Agent Coulson figure in my collection.

    But I've been hoping for a set of the five original X-men in the yellow and black school uniforms for years, too.


  • I'm surprised there were no Avengers Movie toys along the Super Hero Squad line as well.

    As for the five original X-men, I'm not sure that they would sell.  They'd have to be tied to the X-men First Class movie, I should think.  And now that there's a sequel in the works, (Anybody hear what the plot is?) I would think it's a natural.

    At least we could expect Prof X, banashee, Beast, Mystique, Magneto and Firefly/Dragonfly.  I'm not sure Havok, Darwin or some of the less visual characters would work.

    My fear with the original black and yellow suited students, circa 1963, are that they are TOO simlar in nature...that is, Cyc, Marvel Girl, Beast, Iceman and Angel are so similar in suits that I'm not sure that it would appeal except to an old school fan.

    Iceman, Prof X and Angel all look distinctive enough, but Cyc, Jean and Beast would have to be known to work.  Perhaps if there were a small battery inside for Havok or Cyc to glow red....(I didn't say that aloud did i?)

  • We're getting dangerously close to that perenial topic, why doesn't the Hulk ever bust out of his pants, and what would we find if he ever did...  LOL!

    Philip Portelli said:

    That's a Happy Lizard, too!! But Yikes!! They forgot his pants!! That never happened to the toy Hulk!!

  • Kirk G said:

    We're getting dangerously close to that perenial topic, why doesn't the Hulk ever bust out of his pants, and what would we find if he ever did...  LOL!

    I always figured that the gamma radiation made his pants stretch with him ... after all, it usually turned them purple.

  • ...Kirk , have I suggested here that I think a trilogy of First Class movies could , for the forthcoming second one:

      Follow the movies' X-Men into the later Sixties and the differently colored uniformes the last-25-ishes or so Xs had??

      Then , a third and final First Class movie could go into the early Seventies , taking inspiration from that early MARVEL TEAM-UP issue by Roy Thomas with a non-costumed X-Men and go for the early - into middle - Seventies' " bummed out "/disillusioned feel , sort of reflecting the strands of " back to the land/strumming an acousic guitar and nodding " singer-songwriter music and the rising up glitter-glam music of that era .

      Clark , my teenage theory was that the Banner-Hulk transformation produces - a certain reaction in the central portion of the body which leads to the production of - a fluid - which dyes the Hulk's trousers scarlet ! You know what I mean -right ???????????

  • Emerkeith Davyjack said:

      Clark , my teenage theory was that the Banner-Hulk transformation produces - a certain reaction in the central portion of the body which leads to the production of - a fluid - which dyes the Hulk's trousers scarlet ! You know what I mean -right ???????????

    Except when he's the grey hulk. Then, it typically changes his pants blue.

  • Ewwwww...you guys are gross!

  • It's strange they've got Gwen with the Lizard, a character I don't think she ever met, but it makes sense they wouldn't have wanted her with the Goblin. Still, Kraven the Hunter (who kidnapped her in a bikini in Amazing Spider-Man#103-104) would have made more sense since she actually encountered him. Or the Kingpin, who brainwashed her father. Gwen and the Lizard just seems like somebody unfamiliar with the series tossed a couple of characters together at random.
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