
  • True, it does seem like this alternate Aquaman, along with Wonder Woman, Hal Jordan and Batman are getting far more "airtime" than the Flash, unless there's another wave of minis after these! I was going to get a couple of them but now I'd rather ignore the whole thing!
  • The starting point of the event is that Barry Allen wakes up one morning to find that the whole world has changed to an alternate time line, but he's the only one who knows things are different.

    Geoff Johns is writing the main mini-series, so you will have to decide on your own whether or not to follow it.

  • the whole world has changed to an alternate time line...


    That's what I've been telling everyone!  In the true timeline, I own a chain of radio stations, I'm 40 pounds thinner, and I'm married to Christina Hendricks!  But no one believes me...

    Excuse me, I need to gnaw on some more of these straps...

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