Has anyone here been watching " HIGH SCHOOL USA " which is part of Fox's Saturday late-night " HIGH-DEF ANIMATION DOMINATION " series ?
( " AXE COP " is rather more the leading/receiver of more publicity/" A-side " in it . )
It spoofs the " typical teenager " concept ` as it is a FOX series , with mucho tacky jokes , natch !!!!!!!!!!! ( And not nessacarily entirely non-amusing ones , either . Ahempthf . )
There' is something else I will say about it , related to its graphic style (Is it/does it justify the whole " HIGH-DEF " publicity , BTW , you think ?????)
Well, I was recording and watching High School USA and I wondered why my DVR hadn't recorded any lately. Now I see that they changed the name of the program, which caused it not to be recorded. I'll have to play catch-up now. I enjoyed High School USA. I think I saw the first three episodes. Axe Cop, I dropped.