So, I was reading some Marvel promo thing for Spider-man's Grim Hunt thingie coming up. It has a history of Kraven the Hunter in it, and that is when I learned that he and the Chameleon are half-brothers. Has this always been the case, and I just never knew it? Some bit of info that came out in the '90s? the '00s? You really do learn something every day.

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  • I know that the Kraven/Chameleon relationship has been around a long time but I don't know how long. At least since the 1990s.
  • Oh my.

    The 1990's is now considered a long time ago.

    I am so old.

    "Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read." -Groucho Marx

    Check out the Secret Headquarters (my store) website! it's much better now!

    Listen to, it's the future of rock-n-roll!

  • 1990 was 20 years ago. I graduated high school 19 years ago. Yes, naturally, 1999 is a lot more recent than that but I've still lived over a quarter of my life since the '90s ended. It's all relative but for me the '90s are a long time ago.
  • Yeah? Well, I graduated high school 29 years ago, so, stay off of my lawn, you young punk!
  • The Baron said:
    Yeah? Well, I graduated high school 29 years ago, so, stay off of my lawn, you young punk!

    Why should I? You couldn't even catch me in your walker...
  • They had a partnership in the Silver Age but with none of the psychological torment or filial relationship!
  • So, at least since the '90s, but not in the Silver Age. My guess it would have been a big reveal in the '90s sometime.
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