As on the old site, how many books will I read, starting from 1/31/2009, and going through the end of 1/30/2010.
1)The Under Dog and Other Stories, by Agatha Christie. Started: 1/31/2009, Finished: 1/31/2009.
2)Lord Edgware Dies, by Agatha Christie. Started: 1/31/2009, Finished: 2/1/2009.
3)The Mystery of the Blue Train, by Agatha Christie. Started: 2/1/2009, Finished: 2/2/2009.
4)Five Little Pigs, by Agatha Christie. Started: 2/2/2009, Finished: 2/4/2009.
5)The Great Derangement, by Matt Taibbi. Started: 2/4/2009, Finished: 2/6/2009.
6)J-Horror, by David Kalat. Started: 2/6/2009, Finished: 2/10/2009.
7)Japanese Military Strategy in the Pacific War, by James B. Wood. Started: 2/10/2009, Finished: 2/12/2009.
8)How the Barbarian Invasions Shaped the Modern World, by Thomas J. Craughwell. Started: 2/12/2009, Finished 2/14/2009.
9)Watchmen and Philosophy - A Rorschach Test, edited by Mark D. White. Started: 2/14/2009, Finished: 2/14/2009.
10)The Wizard of Oz and Philosophy - Wicked Wisdom of the West, edited by Randall E. Auxier and Phillip S. Seng. Started: 2/14/2009, Finished: 2/19/2009.
11)Doctor Who - Forever Autumn, by Mark Morris. Started: 2/19/2009, Finished: 2/20/2009.
12)Zaregoto Book 1: The Kubikiri Cycle, by Nisioisin. Started: 2/20/2009, Finished: 2/22/2009.
13)Spice, by Jack Turner. Started: 2/22/2009, Finished: 2/28/2009.
14)Charlatan, by Pope Brock. Started: 2/28/2009, Finished: 3/2/2009.
15)Chekhov - The Essential Plays, by Anton Chekhov. Started: 3/2/2009, Finished: 3/3/2009.
16)Tokugawa Political Writings, edited by Tetsuo Najita. Started: 3/3/2009, Finished: 3/8/2009.
17)The Ruined Map, by Kobo Abe. Started: 3/8/2009, Finished: 3/15/2009.
18)Shinjuku Shark, by Arimasa Osawa. Started: 3/15/2009, Finished: 3/21/2009.
19)Confucius - His Life and Thought, by Shigeki Kaizuka. Started: 3/21/2009, Finished: 3/26/2009.
20)Hokusai, by Matthi Forrer. Started: 3/26/2009, Finished: 4/1/2009.
21)The Book of Chuang Tzu, translated by Martin Palmer, with Elizabeth Breuilly, Chang Wai Ming and Jay Ramsay. Started: 4/1/2009, Finished: 4/10/2009.
22)Doctor Who - The Writer's Tale, by Russell T. Davies and Benjamin Cook. Started: 4/4/2009. Finished: 4/6/2009.
23)The Gestapo - A History of Horror, by Jacques Delarue. Started: 4/10/2009, Finished: 4/20/2009.
24)The Poison Ape, by Arimasa Osawa. Started: 4/21/2009, Finished: 5/3/2009.
25)Human Smoke, by Nicholson Baker. Started: 4/25/2009, Finished: 4/27/2009.
26)The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, by Nagaru Tanigawa. Started: 5/3/2009, Finished: 5/20/2009.
27)Star Trek, by Alan Dean Foster. Started: 5/20/2009, Finished: 5/23/2009.
28)Leaves from an Autumn of Emergencies, by Samuel Hideo Yamashita. Started: 5/23/2009, Finished: 5/25/2009.
29)And Then There Were None, by Agatha Christie. Started: 5/25/2009, Finished: 5/25/2009.
30)Doctor Who - I am a Dalek, by Gareth Roberts. Started: 5/25/2009, Finished: 5/25/2009.
31)Great Baseball Stories from Sports Illustrated, edited by Ellen M. Pearson. Started: 5/25/2009, Finished: 5/28/2009.
32)The Dark Side of Christian History, by Helen Ellerbe. Started: 5/28/2009, Finished: 5/30/2009.
33)Whose Bible Is It, Anyway? - Second Edition, by Philip R. Davies. Started: 5/30/2009, Finished: 5/30/2009.
34)This Will Kill You, by H.P. Newquist and Rich Maloof. Started: 5/30/2009. Finished: 5/31/2009.
35)Japanese Death Poems, compiled by Yoel Hoffmann. Started: 5/31/2009, Finished: 6/3/2009.
36)The Paper Door and Other Stories, by Shiga Naoya. Started: 6/3/2009, Finished: 6/7/2009.
37)Hibakusha, translated by Gaynor Sekimori. Started: 6/7/2009, Finished: 6/8/2009.
38)Terminator and Philosophy, edited by Richard Brown and Kevin S. Decker.Started: 6/13/2009, Finished: 6/17/2009.
39)Sahara, by Michael Palin. Started: 6/17/2009, Finished: 6/19/2009.
40)Retribution, by Max Hastings. Started: 6/20/2009, Finished: 6/25/2009.
41)The Vampyre and Other Tales of the Macabre, by John Polidori et al. Started: 6/25/2009, Finished: 7/8/2009.
42)The Big Book of Baseball Brainteasers, by Dom Forker, Robert Obojski & Wayne Stewart. Started: 7/9/2009, Finished: 7/12/2009.
43)Legionary - The Roman Soldier's Unofficial Manual, by Philip Matyszak. Started: 7/12/2009, Finished: 7/14/2009.
44)The Scars of War, by Takeyama Michio. Started: 7/15/2009, Finished: 7/26/2009.
45)A Discourse By Three Drunkards on Government, by Nakae Chōmin. Started: 7/26/2009, Finished: 7/29/2009.
46)Japan, A View from the Bath, by Scott Clark. Started: 7/29/2009, Finished: 8/2/2009.
47)The Naked Olympics, by Tony Perottet. Started: 8/2/2009, Finished: 8/5/2009.
48)The Gladiators, by Fik Meijer. Started: 8/5/2009, Finished: 8/8/2009.
49)Toilets of the World, by Morna E. Gregory and Sian James. Started: 8/8/2009, Finished: 8/9/2009.
50)Sex and the Japanese, by Boye Lafayette De Mente. Started: 8/9/2009, Finished: 8/10/2009.
51)Weird New York, by Chris Gethard. Started: 8/11/2009, Finished: 8/13/2009.
52)Monster Spotter's Guide to North America, by Scott Francis. Started: 8/13/2009, Finished: 8/14/2009.
53)Some Prefer Nettles, by Junichiro Tanizaki. Started: 8/14/2009, Finished: 8/21/2009.
54)Storm Rider, by Akira Yoshimura. Started: 8/22/2009, Finished: 9/14/2009.
55)Star Wars - The Essential Atlas, by Daniel Wallace and Jason Fry. Started: 9/12/2009, Finished: 10/4/2009.
56)Zoo, by Otsuichi. Started: 9/14/2009, Finished: 9/16/2009.
57)Usurper of the Sun, by Housuke Nojiri. Started: 9/17/2009, Finished: 9/21/2009.
58)Missin', by Novala Takemoto. Started: 9/21/2009, Finished: 9/22/2009.
59)Missin' 2: Kasako, by Novala Takemoto. Started: 9/22/2009, Finished: 9/28/2009.
60)Waiting for Godot, by Samuel Beckett. Started: 10/4/2009, Finished: 10/5/2009.
61)Heimskringla, or, The Lives of the Norse Kings, by Snorre Sturlason. Started: 9/28/2009, Finished: 10/22/2009.
62)The Stranger, by Albert Camus. Started: 10/22/2009, Finished: 10/22/2009.
63)American on Purpose, by Craig Ferguson. Started: 10/22/2009, Finished: 10/23/2009.
64)Ophelia Joined the Group Maidens Who Don’t Float: Classic Lit Signs on to Facebook, by Sarah Schmelling. Started: 10/23/2009, Finished: 10/24/2009.
65)Death Note: L, Change the World, by M. Started: 10/24/2009, Finished: 10/25/2009.
66)Cults, Conspiracies, & Secret Societies, by Arthur Goldwag. Started: 10/25/2009, Finished: 10/28/2009.
67)The Skeptic's Guide to Conspiracies, by Monte Cook. Started: 10/28/2009 Finished: 10/29/2009.
68)Doctor Who - Prisoner of the Daleks, by Trevor Baxendale. Started: 10/29/2009, Finished: 10/30/2009.
69)The Legend of Zelda and Philosophy, edited by Luke Cuddy. Started: 10/30/2009, Finished: 11/1/2009.
70)Pearl Harbor and the Coming of the Pacific War, by Akira Iriye. Started: 11/1/2009, Finished: 11/4/2009.
71)God of Comics: Osamu Tezuka and the Creation of Post-World War II Manga, by Natsu Onoda Power. Started: 11/4/2009, Finished: 11/8/2009.
72)The Stationmaster, by Jiro Asada. Started: 11/9/2009, Finished: 11/10/2009.
73)Pikachu's Global Adventure, edited by Joseph Tobin. Started: 11/11/2009, Finished: 11/24/2009.
74)Bombs Away, by John Steinbeck. Started: 11/24/2009, Finished: 11/29/2009.
75)The Sigh of Haruhi Suzumiya, by Nagaru Tanigawa. Started: 11/29/2009, Finished: 12/05/2009.
76)Hirohito: The Shōwa Emperor in War and Peace, by Ikuhiko Hata. Started: 12/5/2009, Finished: 12/9/2009.
77)Japan's Holy War, by Walter A. Skya. Started: 12/9/2009, Finished: 12/17/2009.
78)Badass, by Ben Thompson. Started: 12/17/2009. Finished: 12/18/2009.
79)Doctor Who - The Ultimate Monster Guide, by Justin Richards. Started: 12/19/2009, Finished: 12/20/2009.
80)The Ashio Riot of 1907, by Nimura Kazuo. Started: 12/20/2009, Finished:12/26/2009.
81)The Reed Cutter and Captain Shigemoto's Mother, by Junichiro Tanizaki. Started: 12/26/2009, Finished: 12/27/2009.
82)The Otaku Encyclopedia, by Patrick W. Galbraith. Started: 12/27/2009, Finished: 12/30/2009.
83)Seven Japanese Tales, by Junichiro Tanizaki. Started: 12/30/2009, Finished: 1/4/2010.
84)All You Need Is Kill, by Hiroshi Sakurazaka. Started: 1/4/2010, Finished: 1/8/2010.
85)The Malleus Maleficarum of Heinrich Kramer and James Sprenger, translated by The Reverend Montague Summers. Started: 1/9/2010, Finished: 1/20/2010.
86)Burial in the Clouds, by Hiroyuki Agawa. Started: 1/20/2010, Finished:1/21/2010.
87)The Lord of the Sands of Time, by Issui Ogawa. Started: 1/21/2010, Finished: 1/26/2010.
88)You Said What? Lies and Propaganda Throughout History, edited by Bill Fawcett. Started: 1/26/2010, Finished: 1/29/2010.
89)The Little Red Book of Very Dirty Words, by Alexis Munier. Started: 1/29/2010, Finished: 1/30/2010.
90)The New Vampire's Handbook. by Joe Garden, Janet Ginsburg, Chris Pauls, Anita Serwacki, and Scott Sherman. Started: 1/30/2010, Finished: 1/30/2010.
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At some point, if I ever get non-library access, I'll go through and correct the Italics. So much for ever posting the Earth-44 timeline here, I'd have to go through the whole thing and edit it. Well, long pointless activity was always a strong point of mine.
At some point, if I ever get non-library access, I'll go through and correct the Italics. So much for ever posting the Earth-44 timeline here, I'd have to go through the whole thing and edit it. Well, long pointless activity was always a strong point of mine.
A drawback here (or an asset to those particularly possessive of their posts) is that mods and admins can't alter members posts, else I'd be happy to help you fix your formatting.
A plus is that these use HTML rather than bbCode. If you wanted you could copy a long post, paste it in a HTML editor, fix it relatively quickly and paste it back here.
That's a bit geeky for most folks, I know, but it is easier...
1)The Under Dog and Other Stories, by Agatha Christie. Started: 1/31/2009, Finished: 1/31/2009.
2)Lord Edgware Dies, by Agatha Christie. Started: 1/31/2009, Finished: 2/1/2009.
3)The Mystery of the Blue Train, by Agatha Christie. Started: 2/1/2009, Finished: 2/2/2009.
4)Five Little Pigs, by Agatha Christie. Started: 2/2/2009, Finished: 2/4/2009.
5)The Great Derangement, by Matt Taibbi. Started: 2/4/2009, Finished: 2/6/2009.
6)J-Horror, by David Kalat. Started: 2/6/2009, Finished: 2/10/2009.
7)Japanese Military Strategy in the Pacific War, by James B. Wood. Started: 2/10/2009, Finished: 2/12/2009.
8)How the Barbarian Invasions Shaped the Modern World, by Thomas J. Craughwell. Started: 2/12/2009, Finished 2/14/2009.
9)Watchmen and Philosophy - A Rorschach Test, edited by Mark D. White. Started: 2/14/2009, Finished: 2/14/2009.
10)The Wizard of Oz and Philosophy - Wicked Wisdom of the West, edited by Randall E. Auxier and Phillip S. Seng. Started: 2/14/2009, Finished: 2/19/2009.
11)Doctor Who - Forever Autumn, by Mark Morris. Started: 2/19/2009, Finished: 2/20/2009.
12)Zaregoto Book 1: The Kubikiri Cycle, by Nisioisin. Started: 2/20/2009, Finished: 2/22/2009.
13)Spice, by Jack Turner. Started: 2/22/2009, Finished: 2/28/2009.
14)Charlatan, by Pope Brock. Started: 2/28/2009, Finished: 3/2/2009.
15)Chekhov - The Essential Plays, by Anton Chekhov. Started: 3/2/2009, Finished: 3/3/2009.
16)Tokugawa Political Writings, edited by Tetsuo Najita. Started: 3/3/2009, Finished: 3/8/2009.
17)The Ruined Map, by Kobo Abe. Started: 3/8/2009, Finished: 3/15/2009.
18)Shinjuku Shark, by Arimasa Osawa. Started: 3/15/2009, Finished: 3/21/2009.
19)Confucius - His Life and Thought, by Shigeki Kaizuka. Started: 3/21/2009, Finished: 3/26/2009.
20)Hokusai, by Matthi Forrer. Started: 3/26/2009, Finished: 4/1/2009.
21)The Book of Chuang Tzu, translated by Martin Palmer, with Elizabeth Breuilly, Chang Wai Ming and Jay Ramsay. Started: 4/1/2009, Finished: 4/10/2009.
22)Doctor Who - The Writer's Tale, by Russell T. Davies and Benjamin Cook. Started: 4/4/2009. Finished: 4/6/2009.
23)The Gestapo - A History of Horror, by Jacques Delarue. Started: 4/10/2009, Finished: 4/20/2009.
24)The Poison Ape, by Arimasa Osawa. Started: 4/21/2009, Finished: 5/3/2009.
25)Human Smoke, by Nicholson Baker. Started: 4/25/2009, Finished: 4/27/2009.
26)The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, by Nagaru Tanigawa. Started: 5/3/2009, Finsihed: 5/20/2009.
27)Star Trek, by Alan Dean Foster. Started: 5/20/2009, Finished: 5/23/2009.
28)Leaves from an Autumn of Emergencies, by Samuel Hideo Yamashita. Started: 5/23/2009, Finished: 5/25/2009.
29)And Then There Were None, by Agatha Christie. Started: 5/25/2009, Finished: 5/25/2009.
30)Doctor Who - I am a Dalek, by Gareth Roberts. Started: 5/25/2009, Finished: 5/25/2009.
31)Great Baseball Stories from Sports Illustrated, edited by Ellen M. Pearson. Started: 5/25/2009, Finished: 5/28/2009.
32)The Dark Side of Christian History, by Helen Ellerbe. Started: 5/28/2009, Finished: 5/30/2009.
33)Whose Bible Is It, Anyway? - Second Edition, by Philip R. Davies. Started: 5/30/2009.
OK, that worked. Am I right in assuming that after the initial 15 minutes, you can't go back and revise your own posts? If so, that would be an obstacle to posting something like the timeline or any of my large lists. Not that that would be a huge tragedy for the board, of course. :)
Okay, so I've discovered one thing about this board that might help you.
As far as I can tell, the person who starts a discussion can, at any time, alter the initial post of said discussion using the "Edit Discussion" function to the right of the initial post. Even past the normal 15 minute window.
That means, for lists like this one, you can keep them in the "intro post" and update them when you want!
I'm not sure if it works for discussions in "Groups" areas though.
A drawback here (or an asset to those particularly possessive of their posts) is that mods and admins can't alter members posts, else I'd be happy to help you fix your formatting.
A plus is that these use HTML rather than bbCode. If you wanted you could copy a long post, paste it in a HTML editor, fix it relatively quickly and paste it back here.
That's a bit geeky for most folks, I know, but it is easier...
1)The Under Dog and Other Stories, by Agatha Christie. Started: 1/31/2009, Finished: 1/31/2009.
2)Lord Edgware Dies, by Agatha Christie. Started: 1/31/2009, Finished: 2/1/2009.
3)The Mystery of the Blue Train, by Agatha Christie. Started: 2/1/2009, Finished: 2/2/2009.
4)Five Little Pigs, by Agatha Christie. Started: 2/2/2009, Finished: 2/4/2009.
5)The Great Derangement, by Matt Taibbi. Started: 2/4/2009, Finished: 2/6/2009.
6)J-Horror, by David Kalat. Started: 2/6/2009, Finished: 2/10/2009.
7)Japanese Military Strategy in the Pacific War, by James B. Wood. Started: 2/10/2009, Finished: 2/12/2009.
8)How the Barbarian Invasions Shaped the Modern World, by Thomas J. Craughwell. Started: 2/12/2009, Finished 2/14/2009.
9)Watchmen and Philosophy - A Rorschach Test, edited by Mark D. White. Started: 2/14/2009, Finished: 2/14/2009.
10)The Wizard of Oz and Philosophy - Wicked Wisdom of the West, edited by Randall E. Auxier and Phillip S. Seng. Started: 2/14/2009, Finished: 2/19/2009.
11)Doctor Who - Forever Autumn, by Mark Morris. Started: 2/19/2009, Finished: 2/20/2009.
12)Zaregoto Book 1: The Kubikiri Cycle, by Nisioisin. Started: 2/20/2009, Finished: 2/22/2009.
13)Spice, by Jack Turner. Started: 2/22/2009, Finished: 2/28/2009.
14)Charlatan, by Pope Brock. Started: 2/28/2009, Finished: 3/2/2009.
15)Chekhov - The Essential Plays, by Anton Chekhov. Started: 3/2/2009, Finished: 3/3/2009.
16)Tokugawa Political Writings, edited by Tetsuo Najita. Started: 3/3/2009, Finished: 3/8/2009.
17)The Ruined Map, by Kobo Abe. Started: 3/8/2009, Finished: 3/15/2009.
18)Shinjuku Shark, by Arimasa Osawa. Started: 3/15/2009, Finished: 3/21/2009.
19)Confucius - His Life and Thought, by Shigeki Kaizuka. Started: 3/21/2009, Finished: 3/26/2009.
20)Hokusai, by Matthi Forrer. Started: 3/26/2009, Finished: 4/1/2009.
21)The Book of Chuang Tzu, translated by Martin Palmer, with Elizabeth Breuilly, Chang Wai Ming and Jay Ramsay. Started: 4/1/2009, Finished: 4/10/2009.
22)Doctor Who - The Writer's Tale, by Russell T. Davies and Benjamin Cook. Started: 4/4/2009. Finished: 4/6/2009.
23)The Gestapo - A History of Horror, by Jacques Delarue. Started: 4/10/2009, Finished: 4/20/2009.
24)The Poison Ape, by Arimasa Osawa. Started: 4/21/2009, Finished: 5/3/2009.
25)Human Smoke, by Nicholson Baker. Started: 4/25/2009, Finished: 4/27/2009.
26)The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, by Nagaru Tanigawa. Started: 5/3/2009, Finsihed: 5/20/2009.
27)Star Trek, by Alan Dean Foster. Started: 5/20/2009, Finished: 5/23/2009.
28)Leaves from an Autumn of Emergencies, by Samuel Hideo Yamashita. Started: 5/23/2009, Finished: 5/25/2009.
29)And Then There Were None, by Agatha Christie. Started: 5/25/2009, Finished: 5/25/2009.
30)Doctor Who - I am a Dalek, by Gareth Roberts. Started: 5/25/2009, Finished: 5/25/2009.
31)Great Baseball Stories from Sports Illustrated, edited by Ellen M. Pearson. Started: 5/25/2009, Finished: 5/28/2009.
32)The Dark Side of Christian History, by Helen Ellerbe. Started: 5/28/2009, Finished: 5/30/2009.
33)Whose Bible Is It, Anyway? - Second Edition, by Philip R. Davies. Started: 5/30/2009.
As far as I can tell, the person who starts a discussion can, at any time, alter the initial post of said discussion using the "Edit Discussion" function to the right of the initial post. Even past the normal 15 minute window.
That means, for lists like this one, you can keep them in the "intro post" and update them when you want!
I'm not sure if it works for discussions in "Groups" areas though.