I saw this over on Facebook, and thought that I would borrow it for your amusement.
At first, it angered me, but after more and more people laughed at it, I did too.
>>MSA HERE: Hey, Kirk, given our recent discussion , you should probably figure on linking to these panels rather than posting them directly here, and warning people before they click they should know the image contains obscenity and extreme (albeit cartoony) violence.
So please add in the link with that warning here, and we'll see if anyone has anything to add. Thanks.<<
AGREED. So what do you guys think? Funny, or offensive?
How strange that not a single person has comment upon this topic!
A little of both.
I didn't think it was funny, at least not with the characters used. Ross may have harassed the Hulk for years and years, but there were certainly reasons for that--it was essentially his job to do so.
Replace the Hulk with Spider-Man and Ross with Jameson, and it becomes a little more funny.
The problem with that change is that Spidey isn't the kind of guy to liquify Jameson. Maybe that's where the humor would be in that case. But it could be Superman-Lois, Batman-Joker, any of the X-men-Magneto, Thor-Loki, and on and on.
I dunno, it seems like mostly a chance to draw a Marvel character saying a naughty word and showing gore, which isn't that creative or insightful.
Most people probably didn't realize you'd inserted the link after they looked the first time, until you popped it back to the top with a comment. Then they probably said, "meh."
-- MSA
OK, I admit it, I smirked at it.
True, I'm just thinking he'd have more motivation.
Mr. Silver Age said:
I think *Hulk* would think he had motivation, given the stuff Ross has thrown at him. But *we* think he isn't as justified as Spidey, since Jameson had no good reason to be hating. So it makes sense that JJJ *deserves* it more, and maybe we'd cheer him getting it back, so it'd be funnier.
Either way, I think, at most, it deserves the smirk The Baron gave it. It's the kind of thing that shows up on FB pretty often. Some stuff on FB deserves longer discussions than we can have there, since the stuff fades from view quickly, while other stuff is a quick look and maybe a Like but doesn't need comment. This probably falls into the latter category.
Whereas I found the link about DC publishing for 45-year-olds on FB, where it sank from view quickly, whereas here we can have an on-going conversation about it--and about For Better or For Worse, which is where the thread went for awhile, which is par for the course.
-- MSA