I am wording this post very carefully so I do not offend anyone or sound like I am mashing a case of sour grapes.

As a long time comic book reader (and I do stress the R word), while I have been to shows in general, I have yet to ever attend one of the major events of the comic book convention season.

Time, (lack of) money, work schedule, or some combination of the three has always prevented me from attending any of them, and of course the San Diego Comics Con is THE big event.

So once again I will only be attending by proxy; hanging around my computer anxiously awaiting updates, panel reviews, news, announcements, etc.

What about the rest of those unable to attend a big show, or at least the 2011 SDCC?

What are you doing over the convention weekend?

Or am I just talking to myself here?

(And for those interested, the title of this thread is a play on the song lyric: "If you're going to San Francisco", recorded in 1967 by Scott McKenzie.)

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  • I went once in 2007 and loved it. If you ever get a chance, you should go. Plus San Diego is a great city.


    I will watch some of the live G4 broadcast of the con, if I'm around. I think I may go out of town to see some friends this weekend though. And of course I'll be seeing Captain America!

  • Oh, I DO want to go; but I'm not holding my breath on when I'll actually be able to.
  • ...Never been , lack of money:-( , that's why...........
  • Like Lee and Emerkeith, attending just isn't financially realistic for me.


    What will I be doing this weekend? Well, the in-laws come up to visit tomorrow morning. Depending on when they leave, I may go participate in a sealed booster HeroClix tournement. I haven't done that in YEARS but I miss the game and, hey, the booster are Captain America themed. Speaking of Cap, I'll take my kid to see the movie. I'd like to see it in 3D--I like 3D--but probably won't because of the expense. Maybe what I'll do is that if I play HeroClix, I'll see the movie in 2D. If I don't play HeroClix, the money I would have spent on that can go towards seeing the movie in 3D.


    Other than that, games with the family, catch up on some of the TV shows that we're behind on. Probably play some City of Heroes and World of Warcraft (I can do those while the TV is on).

  • ...When SDCC founder/co-founder Shel Dorf died a couple of years ago , his somewhat wistful story was written up .

      Did anybody else read it ???

      Did anyone here know , or have acquaitance(Sp??) , of him ?????

  • SDCC is on my bucket list for sure.  Financially, it just isn't feasible for me right now, mostly because I live on the Atlantic Coast.  I priced it a few years back and just the cost of flying from Nova Scotia to California - in the summer - was scary expensive (and I'm more of a spender than a saver, so I'd have to save up for awhile).

    Last year I attended my first Con, here in NS, and met Darwyn Cooke.  He was very nice, and because it was a small Con, I got to have a little conversation with him - which mostly consisted of me gushing about New Frontier.  I've also met Steve McNiven, David Finch, and Bryan Lee O'Malley, at signings they did here in NS.

    I'm going to try and go to the Montreal Comicon in September.  It'll be a chance to meet Stan Lee, Adam West, Burt Ward, Gil Gerard, Gail Simone, and one of my favorite wrestlers of all time, Rick Martel, plus lots of other cool people and cool things (like the Batmobile and the General Lee).  Here's a link:



    Lee, I hope you do get to go to San Diego some day.

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