...Lets just assume you were so carzy/financially eccentric/possesed , perhaps , with some game show-reality show prize money that required that you spend it on a business venture , not matter how wacky , and wanted to issue - yourself - a comic book ( Or two . ) . Be a comic book publisher .

  How would you go about getting it printed ? What ways - formats - pressing plants are there for a comic book , nowadays , now that standard-format comic books are considerably less a part of " comic book culture " and , maybe more the point here , that , essentially all , " big-time " ones are on what would've once been considered " super-slick paper " , that being the norm now .

  I guess I'm asking , especially , if there would be ways of issuing something on a less expensive , less high paper quality , format ?

  Back during the Eighties , certainly , thre were umpteen indie comic books issues on less fancy paper ( And , the Big Two-Plus still issued many comic books on the cheaper paper , but , we'll leave that aspect alone for now . ) , and , really , " commercially lesser " comic books on cheaper paper go back at least to the initial undrground comics boom , starting in the late Sixties .

  Also , the 24-page format , not 32- , that such titles were frequently on .

  Let's say that you were anating to

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  • ...Okay , and again I see that initial posts can't have typing errors corrected , but anyway !!!!!!!!!...Let's say , now , that you wanted to put out a B&W comic book , we'll say of at least " acceptable general " , if not " all-ages " , material ( So no question now of , likely anyway , " material that may prove offensive to some press companies " . ) , and you would like to put it out on cheaper , less expensive , paper .

      How would you go about getting that done ?????????

      I picked up a FBCD comic book this year from Fantagraphics , a sampler/teaser for their Mickey Mouse daily newspaper strip reprints , since it was of a B&W daily it was on cheaper , 80s indie-style , paper .

      So obviously that can still be done .

      I noticed that it was " Printed In Canada "...which I suppse may be purt' much absolute for CB printing of any stripe mowadays , eh ??????????? Ha ha , don't mind me there jest a joke son .

      Really , how would one get a modern-day comic book , on less upscale paper/a smaller budget in particular , printed ???????????

  • I think I would maintain the standard 22-or-so pages with the industry standard pages but release it digital-only. If it is popular enough and there is a lot of demand, then I might go to print although I might wait for there to be enough for a collection rather than individual issues.
  • I see that initial posts can't have typing errors corrected...

    You can edit initial posts. There is a dropdown box labeled "Options" which appears just below the row of red buttons in topics you yourself have started.
  • Emerkeith Davyjack said:

    ...Okay , and again I see that initial posts can't have typing errors corrected , but anyway !!!!!!!!!

    Perhaps you could type out your posts first in Notepad, get them just how you want them, and then copy-and-paste onto the board.

  • Cavaliere (moderator) said:
    I think I would maintain the standard 22-or-so pages with the industry standard pages but release it digital-only. If it is popular enough and there is a lot of demand, then I might go to print although I might wait for there to be enough for a collection rather than individual issues.
    ...Let's just say I'm old-fashioned . I'd like a traditional comic book magazine or two with my name/my project , anyway , upon it and I'd certainly promote it on the Internet - Maybe even offer cyber-copies too but that's a side issue !!!
      How would somebody , at the level I'm speaking of , get a comic book printed nowadays ?
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