I've been reading a book called "Fuzz and Fur: Japan's Costumed Characters", by Edward and John Harrison. It's all about how just about everything in Japan has its own costumed mascot. Oh, not just sports teams or businesses - but towns and prefectures and utilities and police forces and the military. Japan's Department of Justice even has two "human rights abuses" mascots! (They're against human rights abuses, in case you're wondering.) And each and every one of them is that special combination of "scary" and "cute" that the Japanese do so well.  They even have a word for it: "Kimo-kawaii"!


So impressed was I by this book that I decided to create a mascot myself! Thus, without any further ado, I present to you -


Nomoron-chan, the Mascot of Not Being a Moron! 

(Begging pardon for the fact that I'm the world's second-worst artist.)



Name: Nomoron-chan

Gender: Male

Birthday June 25th, 2011

Blood Type: O-Negative*

Likes:  Non-Morons

Dislikes: Morons

Favorite Food:  Canadian bacon

Motto: "Remember, kids, don't be a moron!"

Bio: Nomoron-chan comes from the Magical Kingdom of Non-Morons. When he heard that America had an unusually large number of morons, he rushed here right away. It is his opinion that most Americans are not genuine morons, but simply do not make proper use of the brains that God and/or Evolution gave them. Nomoron-chan travels throughout the land, seeking to educate Americans not to be morons. In his left hand, he carries a wooden mallet that he uses to educate morons - in the face, if necessary.  In his right hand, he carries a clipboard listing the morons that need to be educated. Is your name on his list? Don't be too sure it isn't!


(Now, as to why he dresses like a newspaper editor out of a 40's B-movie, I'm not sure.  It just sort of seemed to fit.)


*Don't ask me why, but the Japanese attribute characteristics to people by blood type the way some of us do by zodiac sign.

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  • Can't see it: "The Websense category 'Personal Network Storage and Backup' is filtered."

    Incidentally, who is the world's worst artist?
  • I won't say his name, but he's made a fortune drawing cartoons on a business-related theme, despite the fact that by his own admission he has no appreciable drawing ability whatsoever.
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