
  • He also wrote The Great Comic Book Heroes, one of the first books to popularize the notion that comic books are worthy of serious cultural consideration.

    May his memory be a blessing.

    (Though probably be a cranky one)

  • Thanks for reminding us. Before I even knew of his comics work I enjoyed his cartoons in the L.A. Times, such as this one


    • I like this cartoon, but as it applies to today's times, it's more like ...

      "Once there was a people who discovered -- through his own statements and actions -- that their leader had no values, no morals and no ethics. And some of them said: 'Someone should do something to get rid of him." But some of them wouldn't take any action about him. Some of them decided to not to make a decision about him. And some of them chose him because they liked having a leader with no values, no morals and no ethics.

      "This caused all of them to get stuck with him."

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