Hey all,


Kurt Busiek's run on Superman from a few years ago is one of my all-time favorite runs on the character... and back then, there was once story that was promised (and completed) that kept getting pushed back for reasons that were never quite clear. It was a Krypto story, and apparently it's finally seeing the light of day in tomorrow's Superman #712. You can bet I'll be buying it, and I wanted to give everyone -- especially everyone who had, like me, given up on Grounded -- a heads-up that it's going to appear.


Good dog!

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  • Kurt Busiek's run on Superman from a few years ago is one of my all-time favorite runs on the character.

    I just finished reading his Superman run lately. A lot of it was excellent. Like how the super-marriage was treated. Some of it didn't quite work. I can't remember how the big bad that the Atlantean wizard warned Superman about was eventually sorted out, and that's not a good sign.

    Busiek did excellent work doing fill-ins for both series and in tying in with the other series. Unfortunately, that good work isn't reflected well in collected form. Busiek's Countdown tie-ins were excellent too, which is a pity as everyone wants to forget that fiasco as quickly and as completely as possible. Perhaps it will be collected someday, in a way that highlights Busiek's great work on it.

    The last few pages were very bittersweet as Busiek managed to get some of the pain he must have been feeling on leaving Superman into the script. Superman telling Christopher that he'd always be valued has a very ironic/hollow ring to it, considering Busiek must have known what happens to a writers favourite contributions to a property after he leaves!

    Glad the Krypto script is seeing the light of day anyway.
  • I'm not happy, though, that it's being used so that a story about public prejudice against Muslims can be cut.  Sure, a story about Krypto is fun, but it seems that DC is running it because it's afraid of any possible negative publicity about a story showing Superman standing up for a person's right to freedom of religion that isn't Christianity. 


    I like Krypto and Kurt Busiek, but I won't be buying this issue.

  • Really? I hadn't realized that. That's troubling.
  • Thanks for the link; I looked it up as soon as I posted.


    I'd love to hear what Roberson has to say about the story being spiked. 

  • http://www.comicsalliance.com/2011/06/22/superman-712-muslim/

    Here are both Roberson's and George Perez's responses to this story. Neither seem too happy...especially Perez.
  • Not happy with the substitution, but it seems DC would catch flak one way or the other.  Sometimes you just can't win.  The bright side (what there is of it) is Busiek's Krypto story finally sees print.
  • I don't see this as an either/or. Busiek's Krypto story could have run at any time between now and when it was pulled from the schedule, so it's no consolation to slot it in instead of the Sharif story.
  • Rich Johnston has a different take on why this happened. It seems far-fetched* to me, but stranger things have happened.



    *Good dog!

  • Either way, DC haven't a clue!


    This September reboot doesn't have a chance...

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