Valiant treated Gold Key's Magnus, Robot Fighter 4000 A.D. as something of a "Magnus: Year One" and they made their series a sequel, set beginning in 4001. I'm not sure that's the case with Dark Horse's series. It seems to me to be more of a ground level revamp than a continuation, but I could be wrong. If Dark Horse is able to use the Gold Key material as a jumping off point (and there's no reason I can see why they shouldn't be able to if they have the rights), then ignoring it would be a mistake (unlike the case with Doctor Solar, Man of the Atom in which ignoring Gold Key continuity is a necessity!).
The best thing about the new Magnus #1 is the return (to comics) of Bill Reinhold as artist. Martial action and hand-to-hand combat is his forte, and his drawing style is well-suited to Magnus' fighting style. As with Dark Horse's recent Doctor Solar #1, Magnus #1 likewise reprints the first issue of the Gold Key series for comparison / those curious / historical purposes (take your pick).
And why did they decide to give Magnus black boots this time?