Marvel not only announces that they're looking for another actor to play Bruce Banner/The Hulk in the Avengers movie, its release basically says he's a pain in the butt and they just don't want to deal with him: "Marvel Confirms They Will Hire New Hulk for 'Avengers' "
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As good as he was in Incredible Hulk, rumors were even then that he was a pain in the backside. Based on his performance alone, I'm sad that he won't be in Avengers. But on the other hand, Avengers is a team movie both on camera and off. If he can't play nice then I don't blame them for looking for somebody else to take his role.
Ed Norton appeared to be quite the control freak in "Incredible Hulk", demanding script changes and re-shoots. I think whatever happens, the studio's primary goals will be making a great film and keeping Robert Downey Jr happy!
Mark Ruffalo: the next Hulk?
"Sheesh! What a grouch! Voo voo voo voo!"
The Baron said: