
  • Hokey smokes, that's a lot of stuff!

    I'm down to a handfull of monthlies...the Cap stuff, Spider-Woman, Powers, anything Paul Tobin writes (Jack Russell is a teacher at Peter Parker's school? That's fantastic!)
  • Amazing Spider-Man #611-613
    Captain America Reborn #5 of 5
    Mighty Avengers #31
    The Stand: Soul Survivors #2 of 5
    SWORD #1
    Uncanny X-Men #517
    Wolverine: Weapon X #7
    X-Babies #2 of 4
    X-Men vs. Agents of Atlas #2 of 2

    and maybe
    Astonishing X-Men #32
    Black Widow: Deadly Origin #1 of 4
    Dark X-Men #1 of 5
    Psylocke #1 of 4
    Strange #1 of 4
    Uncanny X-Men First Class #5
    X-Men Legacy #229

    Wow. That's a lot of new mini-series starting up in November. There's no way I can get them all so I'll wait to read some previews and pick the best ones up off the shelf.
  • Whoa, wait! Agents of Atlas is becoming a back-up feature in Incredible Hercules?!?
  • Avengers the Initiative
    Invincible Iron Man
    Secret Warriors
    Maybe Deadpool Team-up
  • Definitely getting Amazing Spider-Man #611-613 and Incredible Hercules #138 (now with Agents of Atlas power!), as well as the one-shots that go with them this month, Assault on New Olympus and Dark Reign: The List - Amazing Spider-Man (counter-respectively). On top of that, some team action: Guardians of the Galaxy #20 and Mighty Avengers #31...and I'm pretty sure I'll give the Dark X-Men mini-series a go.

    Now that I know Agents of Atlas is joining Incredible Hercules, I may fill the couple-of-issues gap that developed since I decided not to stick with the series. If I make that decision, then X-Men vs. Agents of Atlas will be a definite for me; otherwise, it won't be.

    I'm maybe going to get Uncanny X-Men #517; I've been buying the current Dark X-Men storyline, and I think I'll stick around, but I may change my mind. New mini-series Black Widow: Deadly Origin and Strange might get a look, but then again they might not. Similarly, I may or may not be looking at Nomad: Girl Without a World by time #3 rolls around (especially since I'm not decided yet on whether to even pick up #1 yet). And I don't exactly understand what they're doing with the title, but I may grab Deadpool Team-Up #899 for the Fred Van Lente-penned Hercules action therein.

    And I'm not even going to talk about the tradewaits!
  • Of course, I love that Stan Sakai "Strange Tales" cover with the Hulk in feudal Japan...
    WEB OF SPIDER-MAN #2 - I ordered Web #1. Might try the first few issues and see how it plays out.
    THOR #604
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