Today's big news of the near miss of a massive Asteroid, coupled with the unrelated meteor explosion over Russia makes me wonder if any one is taking note over at Marvel?


Where are the Avengers?

Why didn't they respond?

Why couldn't the FF have stepped up?

Surely the X-men have been into outerspace enough, they could have called on the star jammers to help.

I'll be interested to see if any of the major hitters of the Marvel Universe have anything to say about this OR if it'll become a small story arc anytime soon.

Even THOR could have stepped into the breach for fabled Midgard.

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  • Maybe they all figured that the What-Are-the-Soviet-Super-Soldiers-Calling-Themselves-These-Days would get it.

  • I heard this morning that one of the previous exploding meteors some years back did it over the border between India and Pakistan (both having nuclear weapons) and some were afraid a first strike had occurred. Some of the Russian public had the same fear this time.

    This Russian one exploded in the air. It broke a lot of windows and cut about 100 people with flying glass. It apparently caused a roof collapse in an industrial building.

    As for the asteroid, it's coming closer to Earth than some of our satellites. Supposedly will be visible leaving our planet at sunset. This particular asteroid orbits the sun. The pull of Earth's gravity is expected to throw off its orbit so that next time it passes it will a million miles away.

  • The count rose from 247 injured to 500 to 1000 at latest report.

    The collapse of the industrial building is not surprising anyone, it was somewhat abandoned and old and decreped, according to locals. They weren't surprised to fell.  b ut the extend of the broken glass is surprising people.

    A crator 25 feet deep has been reported now.

    I believe there's a great story here waiting to be told... sort of like Armagedon... except in this case, we could have Thor attempting to shatter or deflect the meteor and a chunk of the Urr metal breaks off and veres toward Russia, where Thor can't stop it in he does some guilt over causing the problem and not protecting Midgard but almost causing the destruction.  Or vice versa, that he saved Midgard, but a chunk went rogue and nailed Russia.

    Is anyone at Marvel listening???

  • Gee...the meteor falls....the government is shutting down...the pope resigns...and the myhan calandar ends....and Marvel reboots with Marvel Now....DC starts cancelling the new 52...  you might think that these were end signs of the world coming to an end.  Hmmmm....

  • Actually the former Soviet Union does not fare well when it comes to Asteroids between the recent explosion and the one 105 years ago in 1908 known as the Tunguska event. I am more worried about the new Pope. One of the Cardinals being considered is from here in Quebec. If he becomes Pope, the seperatists will want to divide the country based on divine right. ;)
  • When I think of meteorites landing on Earth I think of how Ghidorah travels from planet to planet.

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