The Barron's thread My "Defenders of the Earth" had me thinking, "what would a villain team like this look like?" Also, why would they come together? The more I thought about it, the more I realized they wouldn't necessarily protect the Earth, but they might be interested in conquering the universe -- or at least the parts of the universe like the Skrulls, Shi'ar, Kree, Thanagarians, etc. who keep invading and passing judgment on the Earth.
So anyway, that's my focus.
A note on omissions:
* I eliminated any characters that would be particularly polarizing, so no Nazis.
* Characters needed to be from Earth(or a similar planet). No Asgardians, New Gods, characters like Mordru or the Fatal Five, Darkseid and his minions, Thanos etc.
* Characters like Galactus and Mephisto who are above such petty concerns.
One more thing: this group has the raw power and ruthlessness to defeat almost anyone. However, even if they achieve some of their immediate goals I expect them to fall apart eventually.
With no further ado, here's my list of (not quite) 50 villains to conquer the universe:
Generals - got to have leaders:
Dr. Doom
Lex Luthor
The Kingpin - his inclusion might seem strange, but the other two are used to working at much higher levels. He'll be a voice for the grunts. Also probably better for logistics.
Strategists/tactician - need some characters to figure out good plans of attack:
Mad Thinker - good for long range strategy
Miku (The Idaten Deities Know Only Peace) - knows how to play the long game
Roy Reynolds(The Getaway Genius) - smart enough to not try to tangle with Batman, and excels at strategies of retreat
Heavy infantry - out in front fighting the good fight:
Black Adam
Absorbing Man
Light Infantry:
Professor Zoom
Mirror Master(Evan McCulloch)
Lady Deathstrike
The Sandman
Lady Shiva
Artillery - long range heavy hitters:
Gravitron - fought both the Avengers and Defenders to a draw
Molecule Man
Silver Banshee
Baron Mordo
Perfect Cell - nearly indestructible and has all the abilities of the Z fighters and their enemies
Research and Development - because science is important:
The Trapster - he does know his chemistry
Dr. Octopus
Ultra Humanite
Dr. Dinosaur (Atomic Robo)
Mojo Jojo
Dr. Sivana
Intelligence - useful for spying on the enemy:
Mystique - shape changing
Sabre tooth - tracking powers
The Shadow King - a telepath nearly on Xavier's level
The Invisible Man (Hawley Griffin from LOEG) - he's invisible
Shadow Thief
Support - healing, training, and other useful functions:
Taskmaster - gotta train the grunts
Keyaru(Redo of Healer) - he's both a Healer and a heavy hitter
Moonstone - mental health is important
The Calculator - hackers are useful
Destiny - precognitives are useful
Wildcards - characters with unique abilities that could be very useful in certain situations:
Mandrill - his pheromones could prove very useful in pacifying a civilian population
Black Cat(Felicia Hardy) - bad luck powers could always turn ghd tide of a battle
Mr. Nobody - if nothing else he'll make things weird
Chronos - I could see a time traveler being very useful
The Joker - no matter how hard they try to exclude him, he's coming for the ride
Bullseye - snipers are useful
Angar the Screamer
Poison Ivy
Dr. Bong
Wow, interesting choices.
Now to think about how your list would match up against mine.
I think your team would be better organized and more committed to teamwork. I have a lot of raw power plus some interesting shenanigans but ultimately it would fall apart. Or the Joker would sabotage it.
The Baron said: