One of my favourite aspects to switching to this board was how much easier it was for me to post my Deck Log column. I was able to post my own art and had more opportunities to proof my work, and I had it down pat: write the article, save it as a draft, proof it a few times, then post the art, tinker with it until I had it where I wanted it, and then launched it for a moderator to approve.
To-day I sat down to do the same thing, and as I usually do, I "saved it as a draft" about a third of the way through, to keep from losing it to a computer glitch. Only this time, when I saved it as a draft, suddenly all the lines between paragraphs disappeared, leaving me with one big block of text.
The problems compounded. When I clicked on "preview", the same text that was in one block as a draft suddenly either (1) appeared with every line double-spaced; or (2) the paragraphs were intact, but there was quadruple spacing between each one.
And if I tried to attach the art to the draft, instead of getting the property data, the actual art appeared in the draft, without a wrap-around.
I've played with "rich text", "HTML", and the "remove formatting" key, but nothing fixes the problem. I have exceeded my troubleshooting knowledge. Can someone tell me what the problem is? And more important, how to fix it, because as it stands now, I can't post any more columns.
Much obliged to all you techhies out there.
I just spent three more hours trying to see how I could make it work with no joy. No matter what I try, it just seems to create a new glitch. I've devoted almost triple the time into posting my article as I did writing it.
At this point, I'm out of ideas. Unless someone can tell me how to fix it, I guess there won't be any more Deck Log column.
I tried that too, Mike. But I still had the same problems.
If this is the case, then what you're seeing when everything's squished together is your post as seen under "HTML." Click on "Rich Text" and you'll see it with paragraphs and so forth showing. In HTML, the paragraphs still exist; but you see them as "br" codes.
I'm comfortable with HTML, so I usually do my posts there. But if you're not, do it in Rich Text. There's not much difference, unless you cut and paste -- Rich Text will preserve coding from your source, and you have to switch to HTML and manually delete all the font, size, break, etc., coding.
So, it's a little more complicated, but that's not why I dislike it. It's because the art tool has changed. Instead of the familiar camera tool -- which subsequently allows you the thumbnail option -- the new art tool looks like a painting, and does NOT give you the thumbnail option. So whatever art you import posts at 100%! And I don't believe the text-wrap function exists, either (but I may be mistaken).
Or, you can do as I do, and do your post without art. Then post the art to a REPLY field. The camera tool, and therefore thumbnail and text-wrap, is still available there. Once I import the art the way I want it in the REPLY field, I copy the coding, delete the reply, hit EDIT on my blog post, and paste the coding into the appropriate place in HTML view. It's an extra step, but it gets me what I want.
And if that's NOT the problem, I just wasted a lot of bandwidth!
"Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read." -Groucho Marx
Check out the Secret Headquarters (my store) website! It's a pretty lame website, but I did it myself, so tough noogies
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Captain Comics said:
Write Area is also the software add-on that allows me to do all the color text and fills and
crapother things without having to worry my balding head about HTML."Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read." -Groucho Marx
Check out the Secret Headquarters (my store) website! It's a pretty lame website, but I did it myself, so tough noogies
Listen to, it's the future of rock-n-roll!