The Legion of "Hey, It's That Guy!" Character Actors loses another one -- Joe Santos, a tough-guy actor frequently cast as a cop and sometimes as a hood in lots of TV shows and movies in the '70s, '80s, and '90s.

His biggest claim to fame was as Sgt. Dennis Becker on The Rockford Files, lasting long enough to get promoted to Lieutenant. Becker was Jim Rockford's foil, often frustrated as Rockford came to him for help on his cases. Santos got an Emmy nomination for the part. He also appeared several times on Police Story, and rounded out his later years with a recurring role on The Sopranos.

From the A.V. Club: "R.I.P. Joe Santos, of Rockford Files Fame"

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  • Oh, yeah, that guy!

    My brother used to call the "Hey, it's that guy!" guys "perennials."

  • I've been enjoyed him and James Garner in the Rockford Files on Netflix.

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