From Archie Comics

May 12, 2012


Digital newsstand comic creates first-­ever immersive super hero universe for readers

New York, NY – Red Circle Comics debuted images from NEW CRUSADERS today, the first title launched under the Red Circle Comics mobile app, an immersive, universe-­spanning super hero experience featuring some of the most recognizable and engaging comic book characters ever created.


Launching May 16, the Red Circle Comics "newsstand" app -- created in partnership with iVerse Media -- will allow subscribers to get weekly, six-page installments of new super hero adventures, starting with NEW CRUSADERS chaptesr 1 and 2, which are free to initial subscribers. For 99 cents a week, fans will be given six pages of fresh NEW CRUSADERS material a week and access to "The Vault" -- a collection of never-before reprinted classic comics featuring the entire library of Red Circle Comics' 70-plus year history, expanded and updated weekly to complement the new stories in short, an immersive, interactive and forward-thinking comic book experience, which some have dubbed the "Netflix for comics."

"This is modern comics for the modern comic book fan," said Mike Pellerito, Presiden of Red Circle Comics. "We've created a way to plug into an entire universe of characters and put our best foot forward with some of our best creators to create the kind of super hero comics we know people want to read: fun, entertaining and daring. The future of comics starts here, and we would couldn't be prouder."

NEW CRUSADERS will be written by critically acclaimed author Ian Flynn, best known for his top-selling work on Sonic the Hedgehog and Mega Man. Joining Flynn is up-and-coming artist Ben Bates, who brings a clean, energetic art style to the launch series.


"We put our best guys on our top book," said Paul Kaminski, Executive Director of Editoril of Red Circle Comics. "We are all in on this project. These are fresh, modern and new takes on characters that are recognizable around the world. We're taking some of the classic elements from the best-loved super hero sagas and making them available for anyone who's missed having a comic that's fun, exciting and compelling. Every panel of every page counts, and every chapter will make you desperate for the next. That's what comics should -- and will -- be."


Fans looking for print editions of the NEW CRUSADERS adventures will see NEW CRUSADERS: RISE OF THE HEROES #1 launch in August in comic shops and newsstands, along with graphic novel collections in bookstores in coming months. Attached you will find a preview of NEW CRUSADERS Chapter 1, which debuts 5/16.


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  • ...Thank you for putting this up , CC .

      Perhaps I am the only person here who is likely to care much !!!...

      Will the print comics be sailing ( Hey - BATTLESHIP . Go see it now !!!!!!!!! ) out under the " Red Circle " logo , not " Archie " or " Archie Adventure/Superhero Series " or suchlike ?

      I hope so !!!!!!!!!!!

  • ...Oh , OK , now looking at the cover repros I see that it will be as " Red Circle Comics " .

      Good . :-)

      However , when this was announced some months back , I recall that the Shield was shown as a black man ???????????

  • I don't think so, E.D. I checked a previous thread on the subject (here).

  • The Comet is black, so maybe that's what you're remembering. Also, it looks like they're using the Hispanic female version of the Jaguar from the Impact line. I like that, not because of diversity necessarily, but because Jaguars are found in Latin America, and it makes sense. If she were WASP, she'd probably call herself Bobcat or something else found north of the Rio Grande.

    Also, was there ever a Fireball in the Golden Age MLJ comics? Or did they just rename Inferno?

  • The Golden Age Fireball

  • ...I suppose its technically different from the Brazilian who was the Jaguar at Impact! that it's , technically , new...I believe that both DC collaborations on the MLJ characters would be at least co-held by DC and Archie .

      MAYBE Sheild's face looked black at the smaller - and somewhat color-smudged ??????? - illustration used at the earlier post .

  • If I might add a comment, I've not read Sonic the Hedgehog, but the previews I've seen seem to show the feature has a lot in common with superhero comics. So Archie has more experience at doing these kinds of comics in recent years than might appear at first sight, and I notice Ian Flynn, who has been writing Sonic for a while, is the writer.


    This post displaced the thread 'Dracula World Order' coming June 13 from the Sneak Peeks, Solicitations & PR forum from the front page.

    • ...Tho' , in the past I read Sonic for a bit .  Didn.t I post about reading Stan Lee.s Mighty 7 , which I.m getying ,No. 2 the other day ?   ,,I.m on my smartphone...Ss I can.t access thr Comics Read Today and Soda!.........  lines , please let me say here .

      Luke Blanchard said:

      If I might add a comment, I've not read Sonic the Hedgehog, but the previews I've seen seem to show the feature has a lot in common with superhero comics. So Archie has more experience at doing these kinds of comics in recent years than might appear at first sight, and I notice Ian Flynn, who has been writing Sonic for a while, is the writer.


      This post displaced the thread 'Dracula World Order' coming June 13 from the Sneak Peeks, Solicitations & PR forum from the front page.

  • One thing they appear to be continuing from the DC run is Fly-Girl as a standalone hero, not a spinoff from Fly-Man or The Fly (he went by both names). I really like that -- it reduces the redundancy, and comics need to have more non-spinoff superheroines.

    In fact, this is an improvement over the DC run, where Fly-Girl started off as one of the many Webs. (The multiple Webs I thought were a good idea poorly executed. YMMV.) This time she's launching on her own.

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