I first heard of him in the late 80's/early 90's. My best friend from college was gay, and I went with him to a gay bookstore in downtown Boston, where I discovered the works of cartoonists like Cruse, Alison Bechdel, Diane DiMassa, and others.
I probably ended up going back there more often than my buddy, although in those days, I was quite nervous going in to any place that was "gay". Times have change. Well, a little, maybe.
He was a particularly gifted cartoonist, and I especially enjoyed the adventures of his character, Wendel.
For some reason, I thought he was younger than me.
I have Stuck Rubber Baby in at least two formats. I wasn't as impressed as The Comics Journal, but it was better in my mind than Blankets, both of which had reviewers swooning when I read them back to back.
I'm very sorry to hear he's passed.
I've read a little of Wendel, but haven't read nearly enough Cruise. I'm planning to pick up the new edition of Stuck Rubber Baby; it's time to rectify that.