I know there are a lot of Scott Pilgrim fans on this board. Finally, I gave the series a shot. The movie trailer intrigued me and the concept of the series is one that I was pretty sure I'd like. I had flipped through the books before and it wasn't something that really struck me. It looked like it was a book filled with a bunch of hipsters. I had my heart broken more or less by a hipster many years ago so I don't really want to read about them. But I decided to give volume 1 a shot.


I read the first half last night and didn't like it, at all. Then I read the rest this morning, and was hooked. I think it clicked for me once Scott finally meets Ramona and I realized that there's a bigger picture to the story. So I bought the other four volumes today and reserved volume 6. I just finished volume 2.


Volume 2 lost me a little bit. I get confused at times with who's who. But toward the end it picked up and I'm eager to start volume 3. I'll be reading the series this weekend and hopefully will make it to to the midnight release to get volume 6.


While I'm not anything like Scott Pilgrim or really any of the characters I found it very relatable. I remember when I was 23. I was just out of college and had no job. I was living on my own, a lot of my friends were getting married, and I had no idea what to do with my life. Not exactly like the situation in the book but I understand the limbo that these characters are in. Also, Ramona is the type of girl that I would fall for.


While the casting for the movie seems to be spot on, I had my doubts about Michael Cera as Scott. He just didn't seem like the Scott type. After reading the first two volumes I think he can pull it off. There was a line in volume 2 where he talks about loving garlic bread, I can totally hear Cera saying that line in a movie. Hopefully it's in there.


Like I said I'll be reading these books over the course of the weekend. I'll post thoughts as I go along. I've got thoughts on volumes 1 and 2 I'll post later. Feel free to chime in as well.

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  • My reaction was very similar to yours, except it was about two years ago, Jason. The rest of the series is equally as fantastic. You'll breeze right through them.
  • It started out slow for me, too. Then it took another little dip at book 3 or 4...started to seem repetitious. But the 5th book was great, and I'm looking forward to the conclusion.
  • I've finished volume 3 and I'm starting on volume 4 now.

    Do we ever get an explanation why all of these people know how to fight? Or is it something we just accept? I don't have a problem with it, I'm just curious.

    Volume 3 was all over the place with the flashbacks. It seems that with the first 3 volumes they start slow, even disjointed but pick up halfway through. However, the first few pages of volume 4 have already pulled me in.

    I do appreciate the who's who that is in the front of volumes 3 and 4, it helps things. A lot of O'Malley's characters look a like and there's so many I forget how everyone is connected.
  • I've finished 4 and 5. Those were the two best volumes so far. They had me hooked from the beginning and kept me going. Now I'm eager to know how this is all going to end.

    I think what worked with these two volumes was that O'Malley finally got it together. Before it seemed he was working with different elements to find what kind of story he wanted to tell. Volumes 4 and 5 finally click and the story got in high gear. Also the characters interactions with eachother seemed more fluid and natural compared to previous volumes.
  • I think we just accept that they all know how to fight, in the same way we accept that everyone in a musical knows how to sing and dance when the situation permits.
  • I saw the movie trailer for the first time yesterday and it interests me not at all. I'm glad for y'all that you're looking forward to the movie and are enjoying the comics but count me out.
  • Y'all, don't forget to travel however many hundreds or thousands of miles today to come to our midnight opening tonight! There will be cake!

    "Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read." -Groucho Marx

    Check out the Secret Headquarters (my store) website! It's much better now!

    Listen to WOXY.com, it's the future of rock-n-roll!

  • Cav...you are officially the bizarro-me...
  • Dagwan said:
    Y'all, don't forget to travel however many hundreds or thousands of miles today to come to our midnight opening tonight! There will be cake!

    Very cool! Bit too far for me, but it sounds like fun.
  • Cake?

    Damn, I don't think I can make it there by midnight.
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