
    • I read your review. It doesn't sound like a book I would like (although I love Charles Schulz's strips dealing with theology). Yet this is "one of the few books I took from the house" after your parents died. So, what do you think? Would you recommend this book (to me, specifically, I mean)?

    • I am interested in pop culture in general and comics in particular (obviously), and in theology and belief (though I no longer have a religion). I find the decade into which I was born to be a particularly interesting period of history. I like history and occasionally taught it. This book sits in the relevant Venn diagram.

      Whether you would like it I cannot say. You might, since you do like Schultz's theological strips.

    • Thank you. That was no help whatsoever. :)

    • You're welcome. innocent It is a quick read.

    • Ah. Now that helps. 

  • By the time I was in the fifth grade, I had read every book in the series.

    THESE are the ones I remember best.

    Space Science Fiction Series by Henry A. Bamman
    Space Pirate, Milky Way, Bone People (Space Science Fiction Series), Ice Men of Rime, and Inviso Man
  • I ordered The Gospel According to Peanuts via yesterday, and I have already received it today, less than 24 hours later. (That's one thing I love about living in the future.) I have already read the foreword and plan to start reading part one right now.

    I also ordered Me & Caleb and Space Pirate*, and expect to get them before the end of next week. 

    *I decided to order Space Pirate rather than Ice Men of Rime.

    • Let me know what you think!

    • So far I have read only the first section. It is more Christian and less philosophical than I had hoped (i.e., more Christian philosopy and less "pure" philosophy), however it has already given me new insights into Peanuts (and into Christianity as well). I will admit that Short really has my number when he writes: "For great is the number of people in our time who could not care less for having any kind of serious, direct discussion about the 'Christian message' as such. But many of these same people would be perfectly delighted to carry on a discussion with anyone about any form of art on any basis." He also mentions The Gospel of Christian Atheism by Thomas J.J. Altizer, which is probably more along the lines of what I was looking for. The next section of Short's book concerns "original sin," and that's always where the Christians lose me.
    • It's unabashedly Christian, and comparatively conservative in its outlook at that. But I find all kinds of points of view interesting. I wonder a little now about what inspired my mother (most likely) or my father to pick up this book, or if perhaps someone gave it to them as a gift. And why it was kept on, specifically, their bedside bookshelf. We were a church-going family, certainly, and they read the newspaper front to back when they could, including the funnies, so it's not entirely surprising that they would have it.

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