
  • I'm thinking that Peter Parker and Miles Morales are going to meet...

  • And Marvel confirmed today that that is exactly what is going to happen.  For Spidey's 50th anniversary, the 616 and Ultimate universe characters will meet.  I'm excited by it...I hope that Bendis gets the scene where Peter Parker meets a young, vibrant Gwen Stacy, both having lost each other in their worlds, just right.  It should be heart-breaking.

  • Should be a terrific series!

  • Being a Spidey fan, I'll probably pick it up. Bendis does do a good job with Spider-man.


    With the creative team though, my speculation will be that the story will be extra wordy with pretty pictures.


    EDIT: I came off a little crabby there. Most of Bendis work doesn't appeal to me but he does do well with Spider-man in general. His stuff is a lot of talking heads usually. This'll be an interesting story though. With 616 Peter being older than Miles, I would guess that Peter may act as sort of a mentor. Miles doesn't have that right now.

  • 1936063695?profile=original

  • So they don't wear masks now? What is this, to bring the comics in line with the movies? Have you seen that poster for the Avengers movie? Even Iron Man is not wearing his helmet.

  • I think this is just for the ad.


    Um, I don't think that any of the movie Avengers really have secret identities. 

  • Well, I don't like it.


    Maybe Tony Stark's helmet was on fire.

  • Jeff of Earth-J said:

    Maybe Tony Stark's helmet was on fire.

    Loki's revenge for that "We've got a Hulk" crack.

  • Man, you're dissing on my favorite scene in the Spider-Man movies again.  LOVE that scene..."He's just some kid."  "Not much older than my son."

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