I didn't find out about this show until the first season was complete, so I had to go and track down the first season episodes, and I have to say that for the most part, I'm really liking this show.  I could do without the Civil War references, but otherwise it's been mostly fun with enough drama thrown in to keep it enjoyable.

What's everyone else's take?

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  • I like it too.  I like that the team is a mix of long time members and the Hulk, and not the Bendis version or Ultimate version.  The writers know their Avengers history and the characterizations are really spot on.  I'm a fan of the Thomas, Englehart, Shooter, Stern, and Busiek eras and I can see the references to lots of classic stories from these runs.  I love how they reference the whole MU and use it too - recently, there was an episode with the FF and Dr. Doom, which was nice.  Also, I like the mix of classic foes like Loki, Zemo, Kang, and the use of foes like the Abomination and Chemistro.

    I've missed a number of episodes and haven't caught any Civil War references, but they do seem to be building to a Secret Invasion type of storyline

  • Hmm...maybe not so much full-blown Civil War, but there have been a lot of rumblings from Maria Hill about registering.  Also, this season it seems we're getting some interesting episodes focusing on one member of the team.  I very much enjoyed the focus on Ant-Man, if for no other reason than playing spot the Luke Cage villain in the cameos.

    Yeah, the characterization has been good, and I loved when the Hulk actually displayed some of Banner's intelligence too. 

  • They are certainly setting up a big Kree-Skrull war storyline.

  • I like the series a lot. Me and my old roommate watched the first season together, as he would ask me who everyone was who wasn't named. Disney did some webisodes before the series started that I hope you had a chance to check out. Those were really good as well. I haven't been able to keep up with new series as much since I eschewed the DVR when I moved.

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