I didn't expect to enjoy this, I really didn't, mainly because the Green Lantern being featured was Hal Jordan, IMO the least interesting and compelling Green Lantern. That being said, I'm enjoying it.
It's not a perfect series. There are definitely things that i think could improve the show (less Hal, more Kilowog, more Razor, more Ai), but it's still pretty good. The 3D animation works better here than in other shows I've seen animated in this style, and the stories are better than average. The occasional plot hole slips in, but by and large I think the show is really well done. Replace Hal with John, Guy or Kyle, and I think you'd have a really great show. I personally think the concept of Green Lantern works much better as an ensemble rather than featuring any one character on a regular basis, and I guess that's my drawback with Hal. Still, he's not entirely forced down one's throat, so it's palatable.
What's everyone else's opinion?
I appreciate Hal's portrayal here, much better than the movie version, or the comic book version currently truth be told. But the breakout star is Razor, the conflicted and complicated Red Lantern. I understand the Red Lanterns now than from any comic.
And they haven't even used Sinestro which shows incredible restraint!
I've like what I've seen from this series as well. My only complaint is Kilowog. He looks shorter than Hal when he should tower over him and be quite a bit wider, plus he sounds exactly like The Thing sounds (to me and my brother anyways). I love Razor though.