If there could Be Only One:
OnlyOneArchive: Blackhawk #2
FastTracking: Shazam Archives
New Color Showcase?
NewColor: Bat Lash
ScannedArtis: I have not seen it and have no opinion.
My picks for the DC Classics Library:
DCClassicLibrary: ClassicsBatLash, ClassicsEnglehartJLA, ClassicsDeathofIrisAllen
Interest in Multiverse collections?
MrandMrsSuperman: Medium
E2WonderWoman: Medium
E2DrFate: Medium
E2Huntress: High
E3CrimeSyndicate: Low
E5Shazam: High
E18JusticeRiders: Low
E32: Low
E37: Low
The Four I'd Like to See:
Archives: Blackhawks02, CC2, WWarch05, MetalMenArch02
If there could Be Only One:
OnlyOneArchive: Metal Men #2
Fasttrack? (Wasn't sure exactly what this question was getting at.)
FastTracking: Sgt Rock
New Color Showcase?
NewColor: Metamorpho
ScannedArtis0: 3 pre-1960, 1 post-1960
ScannedArtis: I have not seen it and have no opinion.
My picks for the DC Classics Library:
DCClassicLibrary: ClassicsAtomicKnights, Rasalghul, ClassicsLegionGreatDarkness
Interest in Multiverse collections? (Most of the "Lows" are because I already have them in some format.
MrandMrsSuperman: Medium
E2WonderWoman: High
E2DrFate: Low
E2Huntress: Low
E3CrimeSyndicate: Low
E5Shazam: Low
E18JusticeRiders: Low
E32: Low
E37: Low
They talk about fast-tracking on the Archives boards every now and then -- more often when DC was putting out more than a handful of Archives each year. It just means putting something on a once-a-year (or more frequent) schedule, to better get to the "good stuff" or complete a run.
The Four I'd Like to See:
SA Superman (Man of Tomorrow)
SA Batman (Dynamic Duo)
SA Green Lantern
If there could Be Only One: JLA #10
New Color Showcase: Shazam!
Release: 2 pre- and 2 post-1960
DC Classics Library:
Englehart JLA
Search for Mera
Judas Contract
Interest in Multiverse collections:
E2 Mr and Mrs Superman: Medium
E2 Wonder Woman: Medium
E2 Dr Fate: Medium
E2 Huntress: Medium
E3 Crime Syndicate: Medium
E5 Shazam: High
The Ones I Own:
ActionArchives: Action2
ActionHeroes: ActionHeroes1
AdamStrange: AdamStrange1
AllStarArchives: AllStar001, AllStar002, AllStar04, AllStar6
AquamanArchives: Aquaman01
AtomArchives: Atom01
BatmanArchives: Batman01, Batman02, Batman03
BiWFArchives: BIWF1
BlackCanaryArchives: BCArch01
BlackhawkArchives: Blackhawk01
ChallsArchives: COTU01, COTU02
ComicCavalcadeArchives: ComCav01
DarkKnightArchives: DKArch01, DKArch04
DoomPatrolArchives: DPArch01, DPArch02
DynamicDuoArchives: DynDuoArch1
EnemyAceArchive: EnemyAceArch1
SAFlashArchives: SAFlash01, SAFlash02, SAFlash03, SAFlash04
GAFlashArchives: GAFlashArch01, GAFlashArch02
SAGLArchives: SAGL01, SAGL02, SAGL03, SAGL04
JLAArchives: JLAArch01, JLAArch2, JLAArch3, JLAArch04, JLAArch06
KamandiArchives: KamandiArch01
LegionArchives: LegionArch01, LegionArch02, LegionArch03, LegionArch04, LegionArch05, LegionArch06, LegionArch11, LegionArch12
NTTArchives: NTTARCH01
PlasticManArchives: PlasticManArchives01, PlasticManArchives02, PlasticManArchives03, PlasticManArchives05
RaritiesArchives: RarArch01
SandmanArchives: SandArch01
SgtRockArchives: SgtRockArch01, SgtRockArch02
ShazamArchives: Shazam01, Shazam04
ShazamFamilyArchives: ShazamFamilyArchives01
SpectreArchives: SpectreArch01
StarmanArchives: StarmanArch01
SupermanArchives: SupermanArch01, SupermanArch02, SupermanArch03, SupermanArch04, SupermanArch05, SupermanArch06
SupermanMOTArchives: SuperMOTArch01
WonderWomanArchives: WWArch02
WorldsFinestArchives: WFArch01, WFArch02
The Four I'd Like to See:
Archives: Blackhawks02, ShazFam02, Kamandi3, Legion13
If there could Be Only One:
OnlyOneArchive: Blackhawk #2
FastTracking: Shazam Archives
New Color Showcase?
NewColor: Bat Lash
ScannedArtis: I have not seen it and have no opinion.
My picks for the DC Classics Library:
DCClassicLibrary: ClassicsBatLash, ClassicsEnglehartJLA, ClassicsDeathofIrisAllen
Interest in Multiverse collections?
MrandMrsSuperman: Medium
E2WonderWoman: Medium
E2DrFate: Medium
E2Huntress: High
E3CrimeSyndicate: Low
E5Shazam: High
E18JusticeRiders: Low
E32: Low
E37: Low
AllStarArchives: AllStar001
AtomArchives: Atom01
BatmanArchives: Batman01
BlackCanaryArchives: BCArch01
BlackhawkArchives: Blackhawk01
EnemyAceArchive: EnemyAceArch2
SAFlashArchives: SAFlash01
MetalMenArchives: MetalMenArchives01
SupermanArchives: SupermanArch01, SupermanArch02
WonderWomanArchives: WWArch02, WWArch03, WWArch04, WWArch05
The Four I'd Like to See:
Archives: Blackhawks02, CC2, WWarch05, MetalMenArch02
If there could Be Only One:
OnlyOneArchive: Metal Men #2
Fasttrack? (Wasn't sure exactly what this question was getting at.)
FastTracking: Sgt Rock
New Color Showcase?
NewColor: Metamorpho
ScannedArtis0: 3 pre-1960, 1 post-1960
ScannedArtis: I have not seen it and have no opinion.
My picks for the DC Classics Library:
DCClassicLibrary: ClassicsAtomicKnights, Rasalghul, ClassicsLegionGreatDarkness
Interest in Multiverse collections? (Most of the "Lows" are because I already have them in some format.
MrandMrsSuperman: Medium
E2WonderWoman: High
E2DrFate: Low
E2Huntress: Low
E3CrimeSyndicate: Low
E5Shazam: Low
E18JusticeRiders: Low
E32: Low
E37: Low
The Four I'd Like to See:
SA Superman (Man of Tomorrow)
SA Batman (Dynamic Duo)
SA Green Lantern
If there could Be Only One: JLA #10
New Color Showcase: Shazam!
Release: 2 pre- and 2 post-1960
DC Classics Library:
Englehart JLA
Search for Mera
Judas Contract
Interest in Multiverse collections:
E2 Mr and Mrs Superman: Medium
E2 Wonder Woman: Medium
E2 Dr Fate: Medium
E2 Huntress: Medium
E3 Crime Syndicate: Medium
E5 Shazam: High
ChallsArchives: COTU01
DoomPatrolArchives: DPArch01
JLAArchives: JLAArch06
LegionArchives: LegionArch01, LegionArch02, LegionArch03, LegionArch04, LegionArch05, LegionArch06, LegionArch07, LegionArch08, LegionArch09, LegionArch10, LegionArch11
PlasticManArchives: PlasticManArchives01
SupergirlArchives: SuperGirlArch01
SupermanArchives: SupermanArch01, SupermanArch02, SupermanArch03, SupermanArch04
The Four I'd Like to See:
Superman in World's Finest Arch02 (need to get number 1)
Blackhawks02 (need to get number 1)
Plastic Man 9
If there could be only one:
Blackhawk #2
Shazam Family Archives
NewColor Showcase:
Green Arrow (I'm assuming Golden Age, is that correct?)
Release: 2 pre- and 2 post-1960
Hawk and Dove
Interest in Multiverse Collections: (If Morrison is writing them, I'm staying away like they were radioactive)
MrandMrsSuperman: None
E2WonderWoman: None
E2DrFate: None
E2Huntress: None
E3CrimeSyndicate: None
E5Shazam: None
E18JusticeRiders: None
E32: None
E37: None