- I've never read the McNiel's Finder series, but 600+ pages for $25? I am in!
- I find it interesting that DC put all of those one-shots and Weird Worlds mini at the front of their solicits. I hope it works out for them. I figure they will there over being put in the normal DC Universe area.
- Am I the only one who finds those white background covers boring? OTOH the Tron variants from last month's Marvel looked awesome
- I am glad to see Ostrander's Suicide Squad finally being collected.
- So $3.99 is considered "low priced" for a book? Okay. (This is for some IDW 40 pager)
- Another Pilot Season winner from Top Cow finally makes a return. Is this just the second one?
- So Marvel wants us to buy their new mutant mini Age of X with no artist listed?
- Check out the cover to Uncanny X-Men #532. Cheeeze-cake!
- Good luck to Ardden Entertainment's plans for the old Atlas characters, but will the comics buying masses really be willing to pay $3.99 for a new line of comics? I am doubting it.
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X-Men #532 And we wonder why they laugh at us?
Figserello said:
No it is a full color trade. The first 8 issues, plus their Secret Origins story for
$20.00$19.99, so not too bad.And thanks for the link to the cover!
As for Uncanny X-Men #532, Emma Frost knows what her
breastbread and butter are!When I saw the cover for Justice League, it really hit me that the understudies are performing more than the matinee!
It seems the Showcase terms aren't so favourable to creators because the sales model is all about cheapness. The colour TPB route means they get more 'per issue' in each tpb, but of course there aren't as many issues in each TPB.
That's why it's easy to produce Showcases and Essentials from the Silver Age, but not so much from the late Bronze Age onwards. Showcases from after the mid-80's like Booster Gold and such would involve some negotiating with the creators.
I think the same thing applies to Marvel and that's why the Essentials may not carry on into eg Byrne era Fantastic Four and Captain America. Possibly it is an additional factor in why we get the colour TPB before the Essential.
I would have thought Secret Wars II, Clone Saga and other atrocious drivel of the bad times would be perfect for Essential format, but lo! they come out in high quality expensive TPB and even HC format instead.
I think the format might be partly driven by the creators 'terms of reprint format' clauses in their contracts.
(Yes, I know the idea is to saturate the market for expensive books before pushing the same stories in a cheaper format, but I think the above is also a factor.)
If we're talking about the December 2010 issue for February 2011, I have to see the main order form first before I make any call. I've scalled back all my comics down to a few titles (Terminator, Aliens, Predator, AvP), & the last Terminator book hits Nov. 24th. After that, I've got nothing coming in (unless the Wild Cards HC finally comes in, according to Borders, on Jan 11th 2011) for December '10 & January '11. Here's hoping for something in February '11.
Uncanny X-Men covers have been quite cheesecake-y for a while now. What I want to know is, "Why does Emma Frost need a gun?"
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Only Uncanny X-men? Anyway, no need to rationalise the covers. I have an infantile obsession with Bazungas myself...
(That's why I went looking for the cover, after all.)
No. Cyblade came out, though I don't know how long it lasted. And Velocity debuted, but is now horrendously behind schedule. So this new one is at least the third.