And away we go for comics that are supposed to be coming out in May.

1. I guess Becky Cloonan, was only on the first arc of the new Conan series. Hopefully, she is just taking a break on the new arc though.

2. I don't know why Dark Horse put Dragon Age in the science fiction section, and I don't know why it bothers me so bad, but it does.

3. New Blacksad. I am stoked.

4. I get the second volume of Crime Does Not Pay, I'll just wait for the soft cover.

5. I would get the new Dial H series for the Brian Bolland cover alone...well almost.

6. I am going to be trying out 4 of the new New 52.

7. Finally a DC Universe Presents storyline I can get on board with.

8. So, the Batman Annual is a buck more for 8 more pages of the regular series...

9. I really hope I don't have to get all of the Batman books to follow the Night of the Owls story.

10. I vote Grifter as the best of the Liefeld covers this month. It is the only one with a semblance of a background.

11. I really don't care about "The Culling" so no Legion Lost this month for me.

12. We get a Star Trek/Dr. Who crossover. I'm sure some head exploded over this one.

13. How come there are some issues missing in the TMNT  Ultimate collection? Anyone know?

14. I never imagined I would be buying this many Image titles in my life (10), and there were a couple I wanted that I skipped.

15. Oh Marvel you make it so easy to gloss over your section with so many AvX tie-ins.

16. Issue 5 of Winter Soldier determines if I continue or not. It just hasn't grabbed me yet, and it is the end of the first arc.

17. It only took 8 years for Astonishing X-men to get to issue 50.

18. A prose novel of Civil War, that is kind of neat. I haven't seen that done in a while.

19. Finally for Mr. Moneybags, there is a $1750 Yoda statue.

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  • DARK HORSE: Creepy Presents Richard Corben – I’m not as thrilled about this one as I was “Creepy Presents Berni Wrightson.” Tracy doesn’t like Richard Corben’s art style at all. Other than that, I’m looking at Tarzan: The Jesse Marsh Years V11 and Crime Does Not Pay V2.

    DC: Smallville: Season 11? I don’t know. We’ll see. I’ll likely give the first issue a try.

    Infinity, Inc. V2: The first volume included about six issues worth of material (the All Star Squadron appearances plus the first four issues), but this volume includes #5-18 and the first annual? That’s a great buy, but it makes this two-volume set a bit uneven. I expected this to complete the “Generations Saga” through issue #10 (or perhaps #11), but this’ll take it up to the Crisis on Infinite Earths.

    Night Force: This was solicited as a HC a few months ago, then cancelled. $30 for 14 issues is still a little steep for a tpb. Maybe.

    Showcase Presents… Showcase: Inevitable, I suppose.

    IDW: Usually Dark Horse is my “feast or famine” publisher, but this month it’s IDW (and it’s definitely “feast”).

    Frankenstein Alive, Alive!: A new series illustrated by Berni Wrightson and scanned in color to best represent the original art? That is so cool on so many levels!

    Trio: A new John Byrne superhero title? I’m in.

    Chilling Archives of Horror Comics: The third volume features Zombies!

    Big John Buscema: Comics & Drawings: This is “a special edition of the fine art catalog created for the most extensive exhibition of Buscema’s art ever staged.” I’m not certain what to expect from this one. I’d like to see it before I pre-order, but then I sacrifice my pre-order discount. Decisions, decisions…

    Doug Wildey’s Rio: The Complete Saga: I almost passed on this one (because I have all of the originals), but then I read “including the final, unfinished and unpublished Rio story.”

    Complete Dick Tracy V13 and Complete Little Orphan Annie V8: Woo-hoo!

    And last but far from least…

    David Mazzucchelli’s Dardevil Born Again Artist’s Edition Waaay outta of my price range, but man! In this case, “Please inquire” puts it in the “Wally Wood” range ($189). Many retailers across the country aren’t even offering these at SRP, but rather immediately jacking up the prices online.

    FANTAGRAPHICS: the second volume in the Carl Barks series features Uncle Scrooge.

    MARVEL: I’m not too interested in the whole Avengers vs. X-Men thingy, but the resurrection (?) of Captain Marvel (Secret Avengers #27) has me curious. I’m not as thrilled with the line-up of Marvel First: The 1970s, V3 as I was with V2 (because I’ve got the originals of every single one of them), but I have the two previous volumes (or will have by the time this ships) so I guess I might as well get the set, right?

  • I'm with Tracy, I've always disliked Corben's art style, too.

  • Um...isn't Smallville Season 11 just...Superman?

  • Actually, it's another version of Superman to go with the DCnU one, the presumbly new Earth-Two one, the one in the DC Legends game book, the star of the upcoming movie and, how do I put this politely...oh yes, the REAL one that DC is NOT publishing now!

    *Stay calm! Anger leads to the Dark Side!*

  • My feeling have Grant Morrison writing don't need any more Supermen books!

  • JMS' Earth One Superman is still a going concern too... (I've yet to read it...)
  • Grounded convinced me that JMS should NEVER write Superman...just horrible stuff.
  • I've yet to read that as well.  One good thing about the Nu52 is that I don't ever have to read it now.  It was part of a 'road to nowhere' for the post-crisis Superman.  If DC are just going to STOP his adventures at some arbitrary point, I can pick an earlier point to STOP too!

  • Man, I really like Richard Corben's art. The mini Banner he and Brian Azzarello did was one of my favorite Hulk stoires.

    I actually considered that Rio book, but I'm really not much of a strip fan, so I made a note of it. I'll keep my eyes out to look for it on the cheap.

  • Rio is not a comic strip; it's a graphic novel and one or two short series. Once I get my collection (solictied for May 30 release), my original editions will be available for sale or trade.

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